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HD install for special purpose.

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--- Quote from: Me on March 21, 2009, 04:05:03 AM ---I cannot agree that TCL should be liveCD only.

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yeah it's never been livecd only, there's always been frugal. let me clear this up since there are things i said in this thread that are old news... i once felt that robert was simply being too critical of users that insist on using a "traditional" (or scatter mode) install.

i never insisted he support them as long as he let the rest of us make the attempt. he's gone way beyond any of my expectations, even helping people with it himself.

he was totally right that frugal is "better" though. for more than 90% of uses. and as a livecd, it's my favorite. i've never done a scatter install with frugal, i prefer using tcz packages over any other system, and a "frugal" install is the closest thing to an os install using tcz.

Thanks, guys, appreciate your words of wisdom and guidance. A FAQ would be the icing on the cake for YT.


--- Quote from: Me on March 23, 2009, 08:52:33 AM ---Thanks, guys, appreciate your words of wisdom and guidance. A FAQ would be the icing on the cake for YT.

--- End quote ---

http://tinycorelinux.com/faq.html ?

I tested the 1.2 and 1.3 versions and I was very impressed with what I saw. But because I really think that a hard disk "classic" install is the best option for a desktop commom user, I put the Xvesa + Icewm + wbar (here, the influence of tinycore is more than obvious) onto Debian Lenny basic install (no graphical X). Then I installed the xbase-clients, xfonts-base, xserver-common, xfstt, pcmanfm (light file manager), epiphany (light web browser, even lighter than Opera last version) and wlassistant. This way I endded up with a system runnig on less than 30 MB of RAM usage. Actually, I got a 27MB of RAM usage, including an Icewm with a Windows Vista theme and a nice wallpaper. Here you can find a screenshot with some instructions on how to do it (it's in portuguese, sorry). I used the .xserverrc from tinycore. So I think that, instead of using tinycore to something it was not designed to (as the admins said), you could give Debian a try. There must be still some hacks to get memory usage even lower, but I tried nothing but a regular install (except kdrive). I must say that, runnig this with Xorg will take another 10MB of RAM. So, you may end up with a 35-40MB of RAM usage if you decide to go with Xorg instead of Kdrive (Xvesa).
I think this approach (perfect and beatiful  systems runnig on low ram requirements) is more than necessary in a world getting full of e-waste.

Forgot the link to the portuguese howto + screenshot


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