I am using Windows Vista and Qemu to run tinycorelinux.
I have tried many ways to boot tcl so I can back it up...one method I used is DSL qemu persistent command like so
START qemu\qemu.exe -L qemu/ -no-kqemu -m 128 -soundhw es1370 -localtime -kernel linux24 -initrd minirt24.gz -hda KNOPPIX/knoppix -hdb qemu/harddisk -append "qemu frugal quiet restore=hdb mydsl=hdb/mydsl noscsi nousb nofirewire atapicd noideraid noacpi acpi=off noapm noagp ide1=noprobe ide2=noprobe nomce"
and I modified it to:
START qemu\qemu.exe -L qemu/ -no-kqemu -m 512 -kernel bzImage -initrd tinycore.gz -hda tinycore/tinycore -append "quiet noscsi ide1=noprobe ide2=noprobe nomce tce=hdb restore=hdb"
however this gives me a kernel panic error...
If anybody has detailed instructions on how backup restore using Qemu with windows (Vista) host machine..please let me know.