I had been looking for a good laptop/netbook for a while now. My targets would be nicely summed as a Via Nano touchscreen netbook, a Macbook Pro, or a recent Macbook (yeah, I want the backlit keyboard).
Some days ago I found a nice used MBP. It's a late-2006 model, 15", core2duo 2.16Ghz, Radeon X1600, and so on. A very nice laptop indeed, I've always liked Apple's hardware style.
I used OS X exactly long enough to play one chess match (I lost btw

), and use Boot camp.
Booted a TC 2.2 cd, installed jfsutils, filesystems, cfdisk and grub, and proceeded with my installation.
1. cfdisk /dev/sda
Set sda3 to type linux, toggle bootable flag on.
2. mkfs.jfs -L MyMBP /dev/sda3
3. grub installation, regularly to MBR
Reboot with alt pressed to test around, then a final boot to OS X to set TC as the default (hey, why press alt every boot when I will hardly use OS X):
sudo bless --device /dev/disk0s3 --legacy --setBoot --verbose
Install went fine, nothing special, no refit or other stuff necessary. My MBP now boots to TC by default, with a slightly remastered image for my keymap and JFS, and damn the boot is fast

I'm used to fast after a slow usb-load, booting TC from HD is damn, damn fast. I might shoot a video later, just to show off

So, on pure TC 2.2, what works and what doesn't:
- touchpad doesn't work
- video, keyboard, ethernet work fine
- no sound so far with OSS, I'll soon try alsa
- hd, cd have full speed
I'll add stuff here as I move on with this. iLike so far.