I would like to create a vdi with 'windows feeling', that is a nice image on boot time and no messages all.
Only hitting <ESC> shall make boot messages visible.
This feature has been mentioned as top2 in another posting already, but wasn't dealt with there, cause discussion centered on top1:
http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=2356.0After some hours of trying I succeeded in creating a working splashimage.
Two things are needed:
1. A 'splashimage'-entry after the 'timeout xx' line of /mnt/hda1/boot/grub/menu.lst:
splashimage=(hd0,2)/grub/image.xpm.gz (if boot is in third partition of HDD1) or
You have to try what's working for you - with or without (hdX,X)
2. A working xmp image - details explained here
http://jaeger.morpheus.net/linux/grubsplash.htmlThere are ready made images which can be downloaded for testing:
http://www.schultz-net.dk/grub.htmlThe result was the following 'splashimage':
That 'splashimage' isn't a real image but
A. a background only with text printed on it
B. shown only during menu time - not during the time when the kernel and initrd lines are executed.
That's not what windows users would feel cosy with.
They don't want to be disturbed by boot messages they don't understand and are accustomed to see a nice image (possibly with a progress bar) all the time till boot is finished.
We discussed possibilites on #freeNode. So I'll do some testing and try to reach a better result.
[^thehatsrule^: removed sessid in links]