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Author Topic: Flit: an FLTK-native "tray" with clock, sound control, and battery monitor  (Read 43369 times)

Offline roberts

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Re: Flit: an FLTK-native "tray" with clock, sound control, and battery monitor
« Reply #90 on: September 21, 2009, 11:27:44 PM »
lines 110-126 and 802
10+ Years Contributing to Linux Open Source Projects.

Offline jpeters

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Re: Flit: an FLTK-native "tray" with clock, sound control, and battery monitor
« Reply #91 on: September 22, 2009, 12:03:41 AM »
lines 110-126 and 802

Thanks Robert (didn't get  your post in time).   Commenting out 846  worked. 

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: Flit: an FLTK-native "tray" with clock, sound control, and battery monitor
« Reply #92 on: September 22, 2009, 09:02:31 AM »
jpeters: I have not had the time yet to look further into the hotkey and keyboard focus issues, especially on jwm, since I now use flwm.  Maybe jwm handles focus differently will not , and other jwm users will be frustrated in the same way you were before your little modification.      (EDIT: in both flwm and jwm, Flit will not fully release hotkey event-grabbing until the user clicks on another application... clicking on the desktop is not sufficient)

Anyway, I think you make a good case that the keypress-based popup of the menu might not be helpful and/or wanted by everybody, so it should be an option.  So, the next cut of Flit will have an option to not automatically open the menu on the hotkey event (i.e. blocking current line 846 from running), which should make the other Ctrl+key combos only opperable if the menu is opened with a right-click.  This will at least be an option in the .flit.conf configuration file, probably changable from the menu too.
Mike L.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 11:44:05 PM by MikeLockmoore »

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: Flit: an FLTK-native "tray" with clock, sound control, and battery monitor
« Reply #93 on: September 22, 2009, 11:41:21 PM »
I have implemented the "jpeters" hotkey-disable function in Flit version 0.9.8. If you don't like the behavior of the Ctrl key poping open the menu automatically, you may select the 'Toggle Ctrl key menu activation' option and save your configuration.  Then the .flit.conf file should have a statement that says "menu_hotkey_activation = 0".  With this set to zero, only the right-click will pop open the menu.  This is the "full" solution to jpeters' concern.

Beyond the option described above, I also now use an XLib call to cause Flit to "unfocus" (ignore keypresses) when it first starts up, so even if the user keeps the menu_hotkey_activation set to 1, Flit will not react to the hotkey until the user sets input focus to Flit.   This is a partial/passive solution to unintended menu pop-ups.

jpeters: I now see that Flit running with flwm does not loose the hotkey behavior if you just click on the "desktop" (blank area of root window).  You need to click on another open application to get Flit off the hotkey. With this new version, you won't need to make your own custom builds.
Mike L.

Offline jpeters

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Re: Flit: an FLTK-native "tray" with clock, sound control, and battery monitor
« Reply #94 on: September 23, 2009, 03:05:16 AM »
Looks like transparency function broke. 

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: Flit: an FLTK-native "tray" with clock, sound control, and battery monitor
« Reply #95 on: September 23, 2009, 09:22:06 AM »
jpeters: Can you provide more info?  I normally use the "transparent" style, and when I tested new version 0.9.8 last night on my TC 2.3 installation, it appeared to me to be working the same as before.  Maybe you tested 0.9.8 on tc 2.4rc1?  Or maybe the background was not "clean" when you had Flit start?

FYI... when the style is set to "transparent", at startup Flit looks at whatever pixel is in the background at the location of the upper left corner where Flit will open itself.  If Flit is starting up as part of the X-Windows startup, normally the pixel under the location of Flit is part of the desktop wallpaper, or a fixed color.  Flit then modifies this color to lighten it and chooses a contrasting color for the clock and icon text and outlines.  However, if there are application windows already open and covering the area where Flit will be located as it starts, the color will be sampled from the app, and is perhaps unpredictable.

Note that this is not true transparency... just picking a background color from a one point sample.  If Flit samples more points, the background color could be averaged, making the color more representative.  Maybe I should call it "translucent"... I think that term more accurately describes the visual effect.  My goal was to make it look like a frosted piece of glass placed over the background with a minimal amount of code and CPU utilization.

Offline jpeters

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Re: Flit: an FLTK-native "tray" with clock, sound control, and battery monitor
« Reply #96 on: September 23, 2009, 11:20:15 AM »
I tested on tinycore_2.4rc1, and compared it with the previous version.  0.9.7 changes to the color of desktop background when clicking "transparent style", while 0.9.8. remains white (normal style). Inverse style works.  

Edit:  I made another copy, and now it's working.   :)  Thanks for the mod....way friendlier...
« Last Edit: September 23, 2009, 11:37:09 AM by jpeters »

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: Flit: an FLTK-native "tray" with clock, sound control, and battery monitor
« Reply #97 on: September 28, 2009, 12:01:39 AM »
Thanks to a bug report by dentonlt, I have fixed a bug which prevented the battery applet for working on the HP Mini 1001.  In dentonlt's setup, the acpi was reporting charging/discharging rate as "unknown" (a non-numeric string).  The code up thorugh 0.9.8 did not handle this well (won't proceed with remaining time estimates due to missing "rate", although Flit is fully capable of deriving the rate from the changes in remaining capacity.   :-[ )

This new version 0.9.9 does not require any acpi statement of charging/discharging rate, but will use it if it is available.  Now I really hope I don't need to fix anything else before version 1.0.0!
Mike L.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 12:03:23 AM by MikeLockmoore »

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Release of version 1.0.0 of Flit
« Reply #98 on: October 03, 2009, 11:44:03 PM »
Let's call this major version done!   :)

Version 1.0.0 is the same as 0.9.9 but the version string has been updated, along with the version string in the .htm help file.

I'll open a new thread when I'm ready to start working toward version 2.0.0.  But first I may work on some other projects.  ;)
Mike Lockmoore

Offline catcore

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HI  MikeLockmoore and other friends:

  I search for wbar clock for a long time. At last I find flit.tcz ( 1.2.1), It's great.

I don't know which different between 1.1.0 and 1.2.1(now tcz)?

And I'll ask a new feature for adjust  fontsize of time ( color is better).
The interface is a slide bar is better ( input number is also good)

Sorry for poor english.

{here must be some good words what I forgot}



Offline Rich

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Hi catcore
I don't know which different between 1.1.0 and 1.2.1(now tcz)?
Was the old one a  tce?  If so, those are no longer being used. All extensions are now  tcz.

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Here is the recent revision history from the source code file:

Code: [Select]
// Version 1.3.0 - M. Losh - Released with changes to default values of custom colors
//                           and to the "About" text   

/* Version pre-1.3.0  Jakob Bysewski <jbysewski@googlemail.com>
 *              * ALSA is now working with USB soundcards without a hardware mixer using an alsa virtual softvol device
 *              * flit prevents itself from starting multiple instances using a pidfile
 *              * flit can be made dockable
 *              * flit can be made to appear on all desktops (experimental - to be tested)
 *              * flit got command line parameters using argp
 *              * flit can be passed an optional config file to be used
 *              * support for custom fg and bg colors in config

// Version 1.2.2 Fix ALSA bug when selected parameter is Mono

// Version 1.2.1 Fix OSS setsound bug and diag message for OSS setup

// Version 1.2.0 Rounded up version number for public release

// Version 1.1.7 Made size scaling work with floating-point factor

// Version 1.1.6 Support size scaling, fixed hide/show bug

// Version 1.1.5 Compile-time option for OLPC hardware battery support

// Version 1.1.0 ALSA sound control support

// Version 1.0.0 Let's call this major level done!  No real code changes.

The extension currently in the official TC repository is labeled 1.2.1 in the download list and info file, but really contains the 1.2.2 code, I think.  I have not submitted the 1.3 version to the repository yet.  I'll try to get that submitted soon.

Offline catcore

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  I use TC3.7.1 ( and test TC3.8 RC2 in QEMU), use flit.tcz (1.2.1 by info)

and if I want change  fontsize of time in cpp, I only found 1.1.0 flit.cpp in searching this forum.

thanks for reply.

Yours catcore.

Offline SamK

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Hi Mike,

I have not submitted the 1.3 version to the repository yet.  I'll try to get that submitted soon.

Way back in post #1 of this topic you mentioned:
Quote from: MikeLockmoore
If there is interest, I may add CPU monitor and/or network activity monitor applets.
Has there been any progress on these?  Both are good ideas.  The network applet may dovetail nicely with the work currently going on to develop a lightweight wifi management tool.

Offline catcore

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Hi MikeLockmoore
   Thanks for answer the diff of version.
 Whould you add new feature for adjust  fontsize of time(and color) with a slide bar in Ver1.3.0 ?
(Or a dropDownlist with 18,24,32.40 ? I think 40 is enough)