Hi all,
I was wondering which version of the intel driver is compiled into the Xorg 7.4 build of tinycore.
As it happens, I was trying to get CRT and LCD working at the same time.
With Xvesa, I was half successful using i810switch and i855res to turn CRT and LCD on and have the right sync (not raw pipe). Only remainder is either a black square in the upper left corner.
So I turned to Xorg. Here I can either get only CRT working eprfectly out of the box, or I can get both working, but this time the screen is garbled (seem like bunch of lines shifted horzitontally against each other).
Having no success, I booted and quickly installed Arch Linux, fired up Xorg and ... it got the LCD and CRT turned on in perfect synch once I had cleaned out the the proposed xorg.conf of the "second" graphics card.
The intel driver used seems to be the (just not the final 2.4 build).
Now being equiped with the fact that Xorg 7.4 can produce a perfect result for me with the right config and right intel driver, I reverted to tinycore using teh same xorg.conf.
However, still the garbled screen.
Can you guys tell me which intel driver build is in the Xorg 7.4? Or would it be possible to have abuild using the latest intel driver - I am ready to test and contribute my time.
Thanks for the support!
I was building already quite some TCEs, but as it appears, I am not capable of duing an intel driver build.