Hello All
I have toiled diligently to enable the rt2860pci wireless card on my MSI-Wind U100 using TC 2.2, but with little joy. I can enable the rt2860 card using the ndiswrapper, but I can’t get WPA2-PSK to work. I assume the ndiswrapper doesn't support WPA2-PSK. Because of this, the preferred option is to invoke a Linux driver / module.
My endeavors below rest on the assumption that kernel modules support the rt2860 card.
I initially installed the holy trinity of: wireless_tools.tcel, wireless- & wpa-supplicant.tce I use a persistent tce directory.
I downloaded the firmware (rt2860.bin) from ralink (RT2860_Firmware_V11.zip)
“root@box:/lib# mkdir firmware” and “cp –p rt2860.bin /lib/firmware/ “
“root@box:/# tar -cvzf rt2860fw.tce /lib/firmware/rt2860.bin” and copied the new rt2860fw.tce extension into the tce directory.
“nano /opt/bootlocal.sh” and added the line "modprobe rt2x00pci"
On reboot (with yes to backup) “lsmod –l” shows the rt2x00 modules running but iwconfig does not show up a wireless extension.
I have TC 2.2 installed on a SD memory card (had to include the boot parameter waitusb=10) plugged directly into the netbook.
I anticipate your early advice after you've all stopped rolling on the floor with laughter...
Cheers, Miller.