Hello good people of TCL community!
My setup: Raspberry Pi Zero W2 running piCore 15.0.0 (downloaded it today from the official download link)
Here's the deal: I have the same exact system burned onto a MicroSD card and also onto an SSD drive. I set up the rPi to be able to boot from USB (program_usb_boot_mode=1 into config.txt and then booted from SD card).
When booting from SD card I get video output on the HDMI port, albeit a bit unstable as it flashes/disappears/blinks randomly but constantly for short times but I suppose that could be remedied by playing around with the corresponding "fields" in config.txt like config_hdmi_boost, hdmi_safe, etc...
My problem is that if i boot from the USB SSD drive I get no video output at all, screen stays blank. I'm quite sure it actually boots based on the rPi's and USB drive's LEDs and If i connect a keyboard and blindly type in "sudo poweroff now" it turns off (LEDs turn off) suggesting that it managed to boot to a prompt and was accepting input.
What I tried so far and observed no change in behavior:
-using a powered USB hub to connect the drive
-connecting the drive directly (so no USB hub)
-trying 3 different HDMI cables
-trying another HDMI/mini HDMI adapter
-trying 3 different power sources (all should have been more than enough to supply enough power)
-trying 3 different monitors
-trying to play around with the HDMI related settings in config.txt (safe mode, no safe mode, overscan, no overscan, trying hdmi_group and hdmi_mode, hdmi_force_hotplug...)
-trying "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" and "dtoverlay=vc4-fmsf-v3d" (i changed these everywhere I found them in the file)
-adding boot_delay=5 (was suggested somewhere online to give more time for hardware components to get up to speed or whatnot)
I have no idea what else to try, I don't get why there's video with SD card but no video with USB drive.
Any suggestions, ideas?