What were the details of "didn't go well"?
Hi Leee. Boot process completes and extensions are loaded, but instead of seeing my fluxbox desktop with custom desktop background I briefly see TCL's default desktop background and then screen turns black and I can't see the desktop. Hard to say exactly what's broken but the "fix" is to reboot from the console into my recovery partition and revert the remastered rootfs to stock rootfs.
So my conclusion is that the /usr/local/etc to /etc symlink in the rootfs is breaking one or more extensions.
I haven't tried making any substantial mods to corepure64.gz (I'm just in the early stages of playing around with remastering) so sorry if this obvious or way out in left field but, even that early in the boot process... did you copy everything from /usr/local/etc/ into /etc/ before making the symlink?
Also, for simplicity in testing, I think you can create an additional .gz file (maybe corepure64_2.gz), containing only your modified files, and load it after the original and files in it will replace the original files from the original .gz. Then turning your mods on or off is just a matter of loading or not loading the extra .gz file at boot time. (Dead simple using grub but it's been ages since I used any other bootloader.)
FWIW, for me, the pain of having both /etc/ and /usr/local/etc/ is so minuscule that I would have never tried this particular mod. Far worse, for me, is the pain of trying to get the line spacing the way I want it here in the forum.