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Author Topic: Oberon System  (Read 244 times)

Offline mocore

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Oberon System
« on: January 03, 2025, 09:37:20 PM »


Everything is a Command Line

Even though Oberon is a graphical, mouse-driven user interface, it is also very much text-based.



Project Oberon TeX Typesetting Project

Project Oberon is an amazing piece of computer science and amazing tool for teaching. The book and the code demonstrate, without any tiny amount of doubt, that it is possible to build a usable computing system small enough to fit in the head of a normal programmer. That, in my not-so-humble opinion, is a truly great achievement and I am in awe of Niklaus Wirth and Jürg Gutknecht for it.

The last edition -- from 2013 -- could use some tender loving care. It should look beautiful.

This project is an attempt to:

    Liberate the text from the un-editable PDF sources.
    Typeset the book using (plain) TeX and Knuth's own taocpmac.tex macros.
    Add the full (typeset) source code to the book for those of us who like reading code in bed.
    Convert it into a Literate Programming project where code is more liberally scattered amongst the prose and "tangled" into the final product.

Being a document with TeX sources, instead of a dead PDF, future Project Oberon engineers will be able to modify the text to keep it up-to-date with the running source code.
