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Author Topic: executable autocompleteable "tcz.info" extension files (links to script)  (Read 282 times)

Offline mocore

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the idea create busybox like links from tcz.sh to each "*.tcz.info"

tcz.sh read name of linked file and *do things* ?? list info , load?? ,ect

why because tce-load $options $tcz_name is less "user friendly" UX !!!
this allows auto completion from core / terminal !!

better than adding shell sections to plain text
eg https://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,27467.msg176890.html#msg176890

Code: [Select]

x_file=$( basename $0 )


echo -e "\$0=" $0 "\nfile:" $x_file

for xarg in "${@}" ; do

 case  "$xarg" in
  i|info) tar -xf ../14-info.tar  ./14.x/x86/tcz/$x_file -O ;;
  *) echo "unknow arg: $xarg" ;;

# mkdir ~/test
# cd ~/test
# rsync --mkpath -a -R   "repo.tinycorelinux.net::tc//14.x/x86/tcz/*.info" ./
# tar -cf 14-info.tar ./14.x/
# tar -tf ../14-info.tar |while read tcz ; do t=$(basename $tcz ); ln -fs tcz.sh $t ; done
# touch info.sh
# cat $0 >./info.sh # ;P
# or copy the content of this file to path
# run the commands in the comments
# adjust path of info.tar in this script!!

thoughts / testers / improvements ?

« Last Edit: January 01, 2025, 11:52:25 AM by mocore »

Offline Leee

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Re: executable autocompleteable "tcz.info" extension files (links to script)
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2025, 10:05:25 PM »
I've been toying with the idea of a CHUI application similar to the GUI "apps" tool and it would provide access to the .info (and .dep and .list and .tree) files.  The project is not currently very high priority on my to-do list and it's still very much in the "thinking about it stage" - I wouldn't even say "design stage" yet.

I've already scripted up the downloading of extensions in batch mode for use in new installs and version upgrades so wrapping a UI around it doesn't sound like it would be that huge of a deal... but I've done a similar UI for another project and it's actually kind of a PITA.
The script, tce-lode, downloads extensions (and the base OS, if desired) with a few options (with sane-ish defaults) that the real tce-load doesn't seem to offer:
  • where to download to
  • where to download from
  • download protocol (http / gtp)
  • What Tiny Core version (default 15.x)
  • What release status (release / release_candidate)
  • What kernel version (defaults per internal lookup table)
  • Architecture (x86 / x86_64)
  • What wiles to download (defaults to all of .tcz .md5.txt .info .list .dep and .tree)
Along with adding a browsing-capable UI, it would be fairly simple to pre-download all of the .info files or, i suppose, have it fetch them on the fly.
core 15.0 x86_64