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Author Topic: Cybersecurity tips for dummies  (Read 216 times)

Offline neonix

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Cybersecurity tips for dummies
« on: December 26, 2024, 09:17:07 AM »
Here are tips how to be secure in infohighway.

1. Instead very difficult pasword XFJO2?^ you can use long password tinycorelinuxiscooltinycorelinuxiscooltinycorelinuxiscool
2. If you don't remember many passwords, write it down in paper notebook.
3. You can have two bank accounts, and you will buy stuff on the internet from bank account that wiill be prepaid befor you buy something.
4. If your bank requir cellphone, you can have dedicated smartphone or dumbphone only for transaction verification.
5. LiveCD Linux is your friend.