What is the difference between xorg and xvesa(kdrive) in size,mem usage, speed: for general usage?
A while back(on this forum) someone was saying they had updated Xfbdev(kdrive) to run on picore but never released it when asked, I know Xfbdev works as a few years back I compiled a version on TC for some gles projects, I think was identical to what I chucked at tilck to see if it worked (it did not).
I keep thinking maybe I should throw that whole pile of crap on here for anyone thats interested but there are so many reason why it would be a bad idea.
Xfbdev worked fairly well on a pizero as far as I remember it was fairly glitch free running 1000us servo thread for linuxcnc with gles and websockets UI.
Someone should compile it from the xfree86 sources and tcz package it(I seem to remember was only couple of hours work).