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Author Topic: Tiny Repo fixes here and there!?  (Read 355 times)

Offline CentralWare

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Tiny Repo fixes here and there!?
« on: December 15, 2024, 06:46:41 PM »
Hello all!

I was updating our repository sync app (adding the new ARM family name) which its sole purpose is to compare 5.x to current.x with minimal downloading/bandwidth spent, find differences between REPO and our SERVERs and download/update the differences.

Since armhf only exists in 15.x I asked the app to focus solely on 15.x but ran a sync on x86 since we already have one of those in our inventory and it went through like a charm...  UNTIL...

GraphicsMagic failed to update!!??
With further investigation into the REPO database, come to find out...  there's TWO COPIES OF EACH in there...  one capitalized, one not.
Mind you, my SANs are programmed to ALLOW for case sensitivity but to prevent duplicates (since there's NIX as well as WIN and ROID clients.)
That said, GraphicsMagic existed on our end, but when graphicsmagic was found missing it downloaded into the cache and of course, failed when moving it to the SAN because we already have the other.  In the MD5 database on REPO, they're both listed.

http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/15.x/x86/tcz/ also shows both copies.

I'm starting off by guessing x86's TCE versus x86_64 were simply compiled with different output names...  then come to find out they are different VERSIONS as well.
(1.3.18 vs. 1.3.40)  The older one claims to be compiled for 5.x so I'm going to reach a bit by assuming it's x86's from way back.

Regardless, when odd-ball extensions come across my path I'm going to post them here and let y'all decide what to make of 'em! :)

@Rich: Didn't we just do this not too long ago?  If so, this should be rather painless!  (One hopes!)