Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum
bootiing tcL
--- Quote from: vinceASPECT on October 10, 2024, 06:08:07 AM ---OR must i also follow the command above by typing "sudo reboot" at which point i will be subsequently be greeted with a tcl desktop?
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Did you try it?
--- Quote from: vinceASPECT on October 10, 2024, 06:08:07 AM ---..........but surely rebooting to bios and back up will flush the RAM and leave the TCL system empty once more?
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TCL starts out "empty" after a reboot but quickly rebuilds itself to your specifications (i.e., it reloads your downloaded extensions and saved configuration files). This rebuilding happens automatically if you have a persistent tce directory. It's all explained in this very helpful pdf: http://tinycorelinux.net/corebook.pdf
Anyone who reads and understands the pdf will have a nice time with TCL and will be immune from becoming a help vampire.
no GN
......... no i did not try it..........
i do not have a tce directory ----->
i think i just need to follow your first command............and then follow it with a manual startX command. (so i will try xorg)
it is a stange bug with the screen zig zag lines when trying any type of VESA or VGA tcl boot at any types of resolutions......
maybe tinycore simply does not like this machines graphics hardware.....?
...... i have tried to understand how the machine graphics actually works
The graphics of the machine is ........
a) "Intel HD graphics 520 Skylage -U G2" graphics..... as an embeded feature of the cpu chip..... containing gpu.(a)...
Gpu (a) ---> has a 1 gig onboard RAM memory.......
b)"Nvidia Geforce 920mx" graphics as a chip...containing gpu (b)
Gpu (b)----> houses 2gb onboard RAM memory..
the bios offers a user the option to choose an amount of system RAM to share wth the gpu ((a))
any of 32 to 512 meg choice........ in steps.....
So The gpu (a) already has it's own dedicated 1 gig of onboard RAM and the bios allows a further sharing of a half a gig of system RAM.........making 1.5 gigs of RAM for gpu (a)
seems so.........
The other Nvidea gpu (b) is a serperate chip containing 2 gigs of dedicated DDR3 ram.........but NO further option to share any system ram.
Msoft seems to talk to the supplied "desktop GPU user settings".tool.....and Msoft thus decides how it will tell the machine to direct certain GPU resources to certain APPS and/or indeed how to direct the gpu's to itself...the OS
so for example, some apps use BOTH gpu's simultanneously.......some apps just use ONE or the other of the gpu's.....and some apps don't show any gpu activity........depends...
i just wondered whether the machine is unusual in that graphics sense.....
anyhow i will try native tcl 11.1 machine boot & try xorg........also i will continue to try running the latest tcl inside WSL on win 10 .....
many thx
--- Quote from: vinceASPECT on October 10, 2024, 10:50:15 AM ---i think i just need to follow your first command............and then follow it with a manual startX command. (so i will try xorg)
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That will work, but it's not ideal (see below). Note that startx needs to be all lowercase.
--- Quote from: vinceASPECT on October 10, 2024, 10:50:15 AM ---i do not have a tce directory ----->
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Without a persistent tce directory, Xorg and all its dependencies will be re-downloaded every time you run the tce-load command. Why don't you set up a persistent tce directory? It is the easy, obvious solution here. Just FYI. Good luck.
i went to this webpage and selected my language version of the manual for the asus x556uv and downloaded
have only looked at it briefly but it seems like a nice machine
Yes GN
The reason there isn't a TCE directory is the drive is NTFS........so i need to use the NTFS extension but i always forget how to issue it's commands
yes, thanks for advice and luck can also help
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