Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum
bootiing tcL
hi forum,
need some help bikooting TCL on an ASUS x556uv laptop.
Bios only offers to choose how much RAM to share for Video
So i put it at 128 megs
nothing else about bios is helpful
when i try to boot TCL 11.1 at all the variuos VGA settins you just get a distorted graphics screen of zig zags
i tried LOW and High res settings
So it does not like xvesa?
it boots ok to terminal so what should i type to load up xorg?
is it "sudo AB xorg" ........it downloads it?.... and then do i install it?
And then what command to run it....?..and then what command to start X..?.
--- Quote from: vinceASPECT on October 08, 2024, 06:09:54 PM ---it boots ok to terminal so what should i type to load up xorg?
is it "sudo AB xorg" ........it downloads it?.... and then do i install it?
And then what command to run it....?..and then what command to start X..?
--- End quote ---
Hi vinceASPECT. If you can boot to a terminal and have a network connection, the command you type to get xorg and a minimum GUI is this:
--- Code: ---$ tce-load -wi Xorg-7.7 flwm aterm wbar
--- End code ---
After that you can reboot with sudo reboot and X should automatically start (the command that automatically starts it is the startx at the bottom of ~/.profile).
JHello GNUser and forum
So you are saying i type at the terminal.......
$ tce-load -wi Xorg-7.7 flwm aterm wbar (enter)
wait a bit and should eventualy be potentially greated with a tcl desktop.....?
OR must i also follow the command above by typing "sudo reboot" at which point i will be subsequently be greeted with a tcl desktop?
..........but surely rebooting to bios and back up will flush the RAM and leave the TCL system empty once more?
no disrespect intended but have you tried the most recent version(s) of TinyCoreLinux?
NO gadget
i have had it explained to me HOW to run the latest tinycore through WSL on win 10.........but i am still looking at that
this thread here is me trying to native boot tcl and i don't have any MEDiia to be able to try native boot of the latest tcl iso ........i only have a DISC of tcl 11.1
are you surgesting that by default , the Latest tcl remembers it's state over reboots?
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