And ehh… I already had that

My home directory is really empty, merely administrative stuff and profiles. The backup is now under 5 seconds.
I created 2 partitions on my disk, 1st with tc, and the 2nd partition with all my user data. Indeed in the bootlocal I create a directory /work and mount that to the 2nd partition.
Actually I “mount” it to /work, not “link”. I’m always a bit confused about the pros and cons but i normally approach the machine as a network drive by the samba server. That works better with a mounted location than a link.
I did consciously chose NOT to use persistent opt and home.
By doing this I can always copy the tc and backup file to the 2nd partition and than do a complete whipe and reinstall of tinycore on the 1st partition.
In other words… I keep tinycore pristine on partition 1. Without snippets like “persistent home and opt” on partition 2.
All deltas from stock are in the backup file.
While partition 2 is fully for user data.
I thought long about this choice. On dams small Linux where I come from I DID have persistent home and opt but after few years both got polluted. Once they are polluted it becomes very difficult to separate OS content from self inserted content.
The tricky thing is that one “might” think about the home directory as a directory with user data only but that is completely true. It is loaded with hidden files that configure the desktop and the login behaviors. So…
I consider the home directory as a directory that sure carries the preferences of the user but belongs to the OS, not to the “user space”.
(And by taking that approach the backup remains really really small)
As I said earlier. I started this in 2008 on damn small Linux. That was also my 1st experience with Linux which means that by the time all was working the thing was pretty cluttered.
Now I’m making a fresh start with tiny core I make sure I really really really have the concepts right.
(Which was the reason for the original question… wanting to understand to avoid going in a direction I would later regret).
And… but… having all said that….
I sure appreciate the inputs.
Some I already did. Others hint me.
And (as you I hope recognize) I’m sure interested to understand the concepts.