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Author Topic: [TCL 15] what is the lightest TCL-compatible pdf reader ? (32-bit)  (Read 586 times)

Offline kifaninja

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Alright, I have recently cleaned and repasted my old crusty Dell Dimensions with a Pentium 4 inside and a GeForce I-don't-even-bother-looking-for-the-number old graphics card (it has seen some shit, after being handed to then-9 year old me, as I pushed it to its utter limits), and now I have challenged myself to turn it back into a functional office machine through the use of TinyCore. But suddenly comes a difficulty : I don't know a single pdf reader that runs smooth on a 32-bit crusty Pentium 4 with Linux.

Help !!! I can't complete my challenge if my """"brand new"""" office machine can't open a bloody pdf ! (btw, loading modern internet sites is not on the checklist, of course, and I've struggled so much each time I tried to install firefox on a TinyCore machine that it WILL NOT be on this puter, or at least I wanna try doing without for the moment)

thank you guys in advance for your answers to this... surprisingly stupid and simple question for a linux forum lol

Offline Rich

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Re: [TCL 15] what is the lightest TCL-compatible pdf reader ? (32-bit)
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2024, 09:15:39 PM »
Hi kifaninja
I use FoxitReader version 1.1. Here is a script that downloads FoxitReader
and creates a FoxitReader.tcz extension for you:

A little more information:

Offline kifaninja

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Re: [TCL 15] what is the lightest TCL-compatible pdf reader ? (32-bit)
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2024, 06:35:48 AM »
Oh, thanks a lot !!! I will make use of that. I still struggle immensely with Tiny Core, but I think I'll be able to manage that. I'm very busy irl so it will take some time before I fully start the project anyway : I just need to setup the different steps for the project on paper before doing anything, and I'll be thoroughly testing the whole thing on a VM before setting it up on my truculent ancient machine.

I plan on mixing several projects in order to combine nostalgia and actual functionality. Who knows, maybe I'll end up doing my own installer so I can set everything up on my big PC and just slap it all on my old just like a good old Win XP CD installer ? That would be a gigantic project but the end result would be that I'd be able to share the whole thing with you guys once completed (I certainly don't have the free time nor the competencess required for such a thing however... so it's just a dream for now)