P.S. I see aus9 is still not reachable by PM
(Coffee spews onto the screen from unexpected laughter...)
Welcome to Open Source!Yeah, I can imagine some people out there prefer peace and quiet!

They don't want to get involved with the day-to-day so they only show up when called for duty.
Some folks... there's a language barrier (which in itself can be very frustrating on one or both sides - so it may be avoided) and for
others, they can simply get lost in "life in general" which I can relate to all too well at times, so you find yourself received with a
monotone voice stating "...the programmer you have reached has been temporarily disconnected. Please try your PM again later."
There's also a few out there who are sadly no longer with us and fewer yet who have a clue that such things even took place.
We're hoping to change all of this.
Make a note to yourself regarding things you'd change with this extension - when our next extension related project is launched,
you'll be able to treat .info information the same way you'd edit the Wiki so little updates such as this are almost effortless when
people are willing to spend the extra minute to tweak things into perfection!