dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86
HELP - Installation Information
All versions can have the same features, it's just a matter of what is bundled. For keymaps, use kmaps.tcz if using defaults or Xorg configuration if using that. The FAQ has some info.
I have a permissions problem, even though I am root, every operation or modification of a file is denied to me, due to lack of permissions. Why?
Hi NarakuITA
You don't mention which files you are trying to modify, so I
will attempt to make an educated guess.
You are trying to modify a file provided by an extension you installed.
Extensions are created on a squashfs, which is a read only file system.
The file you are trying to modify is likely a link to the file in the extension
You need to replace that link with a copy of the file from that extension.
This is the general command to accomplish that:
--- Code: ---sudo busybox cp /Path/To/Link/LinkName /Path/To/Link/
--- End code ---
Here is an actual example:
Let's say you want to modify /usr/local/etc/init.d/nfs-client
Which is provided by nfs-utils.tcz
You would use this command:
--- Code: ---sudo busybox cp /tmp/nfs-utils/usr/local/etc/init.d/nfs-client /usr/local/etc/init.d/
--- End code ---
So you are always copying from /tmp/ExtensionName/ ... / ... / ...
Thanks for the tip. So I'm having trouble keeping the changes permanently.
I followed this guide: https://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/doku.php?id=wiki:passwd
But when I reboot the password is always reset!
I also downloaded kmaps.tcz and set the command on bootsync.sh:
--- Code: ---loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/qwerty/it.kmap
--- End code ---
But when I reboot the keyboard is always in American and the changes to the file are gone.
What important step am I missing?
--- Quote from: NarakuITA on August 25, 2024, 11:16:24 AM ---Thanks for the tip. So I'm having trouble keeping the changes permanently.
I followed this guide: https://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/doku.php?id=wiki:passwd
But when I reboot the password is always reset!
I also downloaded kmaps.tcz and set the command on bootsync.sh:
--- Code: ---loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/qwerty/it.kmap
--- End code ---
But when I reboot the keyboard is always in American and the changes to the file are gone.
What important step am I missing?
--- End quote ---
Ok, I solved the problem. Keyboard and password set and working.
Question is it normal that on the terminal the characters such as: à, è, ò are not displayed? If I write on the notepad, yes, no problem, but on the terminal a question mark appears in their place.
The only problem I found is the @, if I type the key sequence "Alt Gr+@" it is not written.
Question is it possible to set the operating system language to Italian?
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