Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum
how can i use lldpctl and lldpd and lldpcli command in tincore version14
Hi yimding
I just checked the repos. Tinycore has never had a lldpd package.
@Rich: Care to do the honors?
Take your FindMagic script and name it /usr/local/bin/magic
--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
EXTS="compiletc bc squashfs-tools"
for EXT in $EXTS
[ ! -f /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/${EXT}.tcz ] && tce-load -w $EXT
[ ! -d /tmp/tcloop/${EXT} ] && tce-load -i $EXT
[ -d lldp_all ] && rm lldp_* -fR
[ ! -f lldpd-1.0.18.tar.gz ] && wget https://media.luffy.cx/files/lldpd/lldpd-1.0.18.tar.gz
[ ! -d lldpd-1.0.18 ] && tar -zxf lldpd-1.0.18.tar.gz
cd lldpd-1.0.18; mkdir build; cd build
[ ! -f ../.configured ] && ../configure --prefix=/usr/local --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc --with-embedded-libevent --without-snmp && touch ../.configured
make -j 9
make DESTDIR=/tmp/lldp install
mv /tmp/lldp $CUR/lldp_all
mkdir -p $CUR/lldp_ext/usr/local \
$CUR/lldp_doc/usr/local/share \
mv $CUR/lldp_all/usr/local/include $CUR/lldp_dev/usr/local/
mv $CUR/lldp_all/usr/local/share/doc $CUR/lldp_doc/usr/local/share/
mv $CUR/lldp_all/usr/local/share/man $CUR/lldp_doc/usr/local/share/
mv $CUR/lldp_all/usr/local/* $CUR/lldp_ext/usr/local/
# STRIP Binaries
touch $CUR/.deps; rm $CUR/.deps -f
cd $CUR/lldp_ext
find -type f | magic | grep ELF | awk '{print $2}' > /tmp/bins
for file in $(cat /tmp/bins)
strip -s ${file}
ldd ${file} >> $CUR/.deps
rm /tmp/bins -f
# Create TCZs
cd $CUR
mksquashfs lldp_ext lldp.tcz >/dev/null 2>&1
mksquashfs lldp_doc lldp-doc.tcz >/dev/null 2>&1
mksquashfs lldp_dev lldp-dev.tcz >/dev/null 2>&1
cat > lldp.tcz.dep << "EOF"
--- End code ---
Feel free to add generic flags to taste! :)
Hi CentralWare
I'll take care of it this evening.
--- Quote from: Rich on August 13, 2024, 10:19:16 AM ---I'll take care of it this evening.
--- End quote ---
@Rich: 'Knew you were the man for the job! LOL, plus, you've got keys to make it happen! :)
As noted, I didn't tune the compiler for any given platforms as I was aiming at completion and integrity.
It'll still need md5 and info/tree files, but most everything else should be laid out. Thank you, sir!
Please also upload tcz/src to the appropriate platforms if you would.
@yimding: This means you're the "Beta Tester!" Please be sure to come back here afterward and leave comments of successes and/or failures! (Building a project is one thing... knowing at least one person out there who is knowledgeable of what it is supposed to do has actually done it... that's the important part to me.) Additionally, you'll want to set your "Mirror" back to http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/ if you changed it, as that's the only place that you'll find "new" release files when they first get uploaded. ( /opt/tcemirror )
@Rich @Curaga @Paul_123 @Juanito: I'd recommend looking into the new hosting service versus the other mirrors being able to stop by and get updates as I don't think files are being mirrored anymore. (ie: repo.tinycorelinux.net/15/86/tcz shows a recent project called boinc.tcz as being on the server, but the file does not exist at ibiblio's mirror and the file has been on the repo server for quite some time now.) This may be intentional due to the index page created that's home to platform/tcz, I'm not sure, thus why I bring it up - assuming you don't WANT 15.x to mirror out.
ibiblio had done an update and its new ssh keys needed accepting. Syncs happening again.
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