Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum

how can i use lldpctl and lldpd and lldpcli command in tincore version14

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@curaga: Thanks!  I didn't know it was just Ibiblio that was caught up on syncs.

Question: Is there a purpose behind the static index page on 15.x/(platform)/tcz ?  (ie: no links, just a file listing)
I'm guessing it's to prevent spidering/mirroring/etc., and IF SO, is this because of 15.x being beta-like or is this the new preferred method for releases?
(...or it could be because a static file listing is a lot faster to load!? :) )

It's because generating the listings uses a ton of CPU for large dirs like these. Apache/nginx/etc dirlistings all take a ton of resources. So to be considerate for other mirrors, and to keep the load light on ours, it's pregenerated. As for why a plain text listing and not a HTML, that's both size and to discourage manually downloading extensions.

edit: Not specific to 15.x, it's been like this for all versions for a long time.

Hi CentralWare
lldpd added to tc14 x86_64 repository.
Build script and source tarball are here:

I'll PM yimding to see if he comes back.

@Rich: Thank you, kind sir! :)

HI, long time to see, i test this package in lenovo sd530 and hp dl360, all is right
but when i test in dell760 and dell760, i use lldpctl can not get neighbor infomation, maybe it's not lldp package problem

when i start tinycore os i can see below problem
ice 0000:1f:00.0 the ddp package file was not found or could not be read , entering safe mode
ice 0000:1f:00.1 the ddp package file was not found or could not be read , entering safe mode

this problems maybe cause by driver issue

my server netcard is  Intel(R) Ethernet 25G 2P E810-XXV
whether tinycore 14 can support this netcard


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