Hi Rich
Hi Juanito
@Juanito i follow your step and rebuild an ice.ko version 1.16.3 again
use ice.ko that compile by myself to replace the orginal ice ko then load it
#cp ice.ko /lib/modules/6.1.2-tinycore64/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/.
#mv ice.ko.gz ~/ice.ko.gz.bak
#cd /lib/modules/6.1.2-tinycore64/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/
#gzip ice.ko
#depmod -a
# modprobe -r ice
# modprobe ice
# lldpctl eth0
LLDP neighbors:
Interface: eth0, via: LLDP, RID: 1, Time: 0 day, 00:17:52
ChassisID: xxxx
SysName: xxxx
SysDescr: xxxx
MgmtIP: xxxx
MgmtIface: 83886080
Capability: Bridge, on
Capability: Router, on
PortID: xxx
PortDescr: xxxx
TTL: xxx
VLAN: xxx
Unknown TLVs:
TLV: xxx
So thanks for your help @Rich @Juanito
and i think ice driver in tinycore 14 for e810 xxv has some bug