Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

XFCE in TinyCore 15 32 Bits

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Hi ALF. I don't use xfwm4 but decided to hack my way into making it work on my TCL15 64 bit system. Experiment was successful! I assume making it work on your TCL15 32 bit system would be similar. How motivated are you? ;D

1. Grab a few .deb packages

Do you have access to a Debian or Devuan installation? If so you can download the xfwm4 .deb file like so:

--- Code: ---apt download xfwm4
--- End code ---

It is trivial to convert a Debian .deb package into a TCL .tcz extension (search the forum).

I found xfwm4 needed a few libraries available in these other .deb packages: libxfce4ui-2-0, libxfce4util7, and libxfconf-0-3. You can likewise convert these .deb into .tcz.

2. Put the four custom .tcz extensions in the tce/optional directory and add them to tce/onboot.lst

3. Create startup script ~/.X.d/start-xfwm4.sh
Script should look like this and be executable:

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
xfwm4 &

--- End code ---

4. Reboot

It works for me (see attached). If it doesn't work for you, it's probably just a matter of a few additional missing libraries. If you decide to pursue this and get stuck, let me know and I'll help if I can. We can also make it less hacky (e.g., by creating a proper xfwm4.tcz.dep rather than listing each individual custom extension in onboot.lst).

Perfect ! GNUser, Thanks you!!, sounds good!!! This weekend I will do it...I am very motivated...!!

I love to learn..

I'll keep you posted on the results!!

Hi ALF. I have bad news: Building an xfwm4 extension with borrowed binaries and libraries from Debian is not going to work on TCL15 x86, so don't bother :-\

I tried it myself and got very close, but hit this brick wall:

--- Code: ---$ xfwm4
... /usr/local/lib/libxfce4ui-2.so.0: undefined symbol: gdk_wayland_display_get_type
--- End code ---

It seems that for TCL15 32 bit, creating a proper xfwm4 extension by compiling from source would be necessary.

The good news is that the TCL15 32 bit repo already contains a lot of xfwm4's dependencies, namely these:

--- Code: ---gtk3.tcz
--- End code ---

The bad news is that the TCL15 32 bit repo is missing a few libraries that, judging from the Debian binary, xfwm4 depends on. Namely these:

--- Code: ---Shared library: [libxfce4kbd-private-3.so.0]                           
Shared library: [libxfce4ui-2.so.0]                             
Shared library: [libxfce4util.so.7]
Shared library: [libxfconf-0.so.3]
Shared library: [libXpresent.so.1]
--- End code ---

Long story short, building xfwm4 for TCL15 x86 would be a big project that would entail creating normal and -dev extensions of the missing libraries plus xfwm4 itself (so potentially 5x2+1=11 new extensions). Brutal.

The wayland error you see is because mesa/x is not compiled against wayland in tc x86 to avoid additional size.

Out of curiosity, what is so important/critically desired for XFCE?
I mean I like very much XFCE (in Alpine Linux), but my understanding is that XFCE is, like GNOME or KDE, just a desktop-environment, aka a bunch of applications (file manager, control panel, etc) + windows-manager + task-bar.

1.So, if small SIZE is the main goal, then Tiny Core has already the FLTK +WBAR + tc-panel, you just need a small file manager (gkt1 /2), some sound/memory applets (like flit, etc) for icons of ram/cpu/sound/network etc.

2. But if the goal is super-flue, like convenience, or "consistency" of colours (blah), or icons (who cares to remember their goal, if more than 10-20 icons) then ... good luck. BTW, XFCE was, once upon time, a relative small desktop paradigm alternative; not anymore.

3. if you want more "security" then CPU + kernel + libc/musl should be the latest (and bloated) -- because vulnerabilities were discovered and corrected (keep dreaming). The price must be paid somewhere, as time/ money /speed /size/ resources.

PS: in my conception, humanity must pay for at lest 3 things: laziness, or luxury or stupidity.


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