@GNUser : Thanks! Upon installing your parcellite.tcz from the repo, it is contantly looking for '/home/tc/.local/share/parcellite' which is non-exist.
so, i ran:
1. sudo mkdir /home/tc/.local/share/parcellite
2. Go to /home/tc/.local/share/ , right click the parcellite/ folder, go Properties => Permissions
3. Tick the "Write" box under "Group"
4. Open Terminal, run parcellite again, it will now run in the taskbar
1. It is still showing some status looking for the parcelliterc file
2. Clicking the Parceliite icon in taskbar (I am using JWM) will open the clipboard, but the clipboard will closed very quickly when clicked subsequently. I use the hotkey Ctrl+Alt+H to open the clipboard instead, no big deal.
Thank you for adding this!!!
Extra note:
Before using your parcellite.tcz, I use doglinux 32bit version Apt2sfs tool to auto create a few clipboard manager (clipit, gpaste etc), I also took a few puppy .sfs (32 bit of course), I renamed those to .tcz, and able to tce-load -i these .tcz. But soon i realised these new .tcz will complain for dependencies. Installing the dependencies directly from Apps is not working. Further looking in /tce/optional/ I found each .tcz got a text file containing their dependencies. Still reading the Corebook and forum about this topic.