Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
[Solved] Choosing Window Manager from Boot Menu
Yes, there are some great window managers. The minimal (but well designed) are nice. i believe Open Box is very functional and popular.
Thanks so far, Rich.
Waiting for Juanito, too, then.
Are those libraries available somewhere for me to source and, if so, where should I put them?
As an aside, it reminds me of years ago (read 35 or so ...) when we switched from static to dynamically linked libraries and all the fun that brought, until we all got used to it. Ahem.
As the title says, choosing wm in boot menu, i think can be done with you supplying the extension list file in the grub/syslinux kernel command line arguments.
--- Code: ---lst=openbox.lst
--- End code ---
Hi Patrik,
I am reading through Lauri's fabulous book in an attempt to find out how to do that but, in the meantime, will doing so obviate the problem of there being missing libraries or are the necessary libraries loaded correctly when the options you mention are supplied, or as is probable, am I confusing myself?
Hi Montserrat
After a little more poking around I found something else.
It appears dependencies on libEGL.tcz and libGLESv2.tcz were
removed from cairo and added to gtk2. The CD appears to
have an old gtk2.tcz.dep without libEGL.tcz and libGLESv2.tcz.
--- Quote from: Montserrat on April 01, 2024, 01:47:39 PM ---Are those libraries available somewhere for me to source and, if so, where should I put them? ...
--- End quote ---
These extensions all exist here:
The simplest solution for now is:
Boot to the FLWM_topside entry.
Click the tc-install icon to start tc-install-GUI.tcz.
Use the tc-install program to install Tinycore to a second USB stick.
This may be of some help:
Then run
--- Code: ---tce-audit builddb
tce-audit updatedeps
tce-audit fetchmissing
exitcheck.sh reboot
--- End code ---
After it reboots, you will have a proper install. You can then change
to the window manager of your choice.
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