Tiny Core Base > Final Releases

Tiny Core v15.0

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Perhaps because some distros are moving to 64bit only, less external binaries seem to require the symlink.

There's also the (small) risk that, if the symlink is included in the base, source compiled on tinycore will link against /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2

Hi Juanito
Thanks for the info. Leave it the way it is then.


--- Quote from: Juanito on May 20, 2024, 04:23:26 AM ---There's also the (small) risk that, if the symlink is included in the base, source compiled on tinycore will link against /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2

--- End quote ---

This would be my concern. I get that it's a problem for some apps not compiled on TC, but is that really our problem? It seems like a tar pit that will just bring in other problems. If an external app needs the loader in /lib64 instead of /lib, there should be a script in the extension's tce.installed directory to take care of it then. At least that's how I've handled apps like Google Earth and Chrome.

Is there any (easy, I hope!) way to get the version number for all of the TCZ packages?  I've been given a list of CVE numbers and I need to ensure that none of them reference packages we will be using in TinyCore.  I looked at http://tinycorelinux.net/15.x/x86/tcz/, but (for example) the only zlib mention there is "zlib_base-dev.tcz", which doesn't show me that zlib is v1.3, which is what I need.

I thought the tcz link in the sources would've taken me to the tcz sources (which would have the version info), but it just displayed the text file listing all the tcz names.

http://www.tinycorelinux.net/15.x/x86/tcz/zlib_base-dev.tcz.info shows the version number is 1.3?


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