Tiny Core Base > Final Releases

Tiny Core v15.0

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Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core v15.0

Changelog for 15.0:
* kernel updated to 6.6.8
* glibc updated to 2.38
* gcc updated to 13.2.0
* binutils updated to 2.41
* e2fsprogs base libs/apps updated to 1.47.0
* util-linux base libs/apps updated to 2.39.2
* zlib base lib updated to 1.3
* busybox updated to 1.36.1
* tce-functions/setdrive/setup: use : in chown
* tce-audit: add md5check action from bdantas
* tce-audit: md5check update from bdantas
* tce-load: sudo touch from polikuo
* update-everything: handle missing or extraneous dep files from bdantas
* tce-update: allow tcedir/optional to be a symlink from bdantas
* update-everything: add safety checks from bdantas
* busybox CONFIG_FEATURE_EDITING_HISTORY changed 150 -> 1000

Congratulations to the team on another solid release!

Just one cosmetic thing: /etc/os-release in corepure64.gz (I tested CorePure64-15.0.iso only) needs to be updated:

--- Code: ---$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="TinyCoreLinux 15.0beta1"
--- End code ---
With current /etc/os-release, boot message says 15.0beta1 is booting when I am in fact booting version 15 final release.

I'm not sure what happened there, hopefully OK now..

Hi Juanito. Yes, looks good now :) Thanks!

Dies Irae:

first, thanks for TinyCoreLinux. And of course the 15th release!!!

I signed up to the forum as fast as I could (I *hate signing up* but I've been a daily driver for some 4 years by now).

Why, did i hurry? It would be horrible if TinyCore 15 release ISO would be forever bugged with the broken busybox 1.36.1 !!

WHAT is broken? it is what I call the 'double prompting' (or dual prompting) bug.
It is not always consistent but happens for every linux that I or others have tried (that includes folk in the busybox irc channel). There is however a sure way to replicate the bug consistently:

tce-load -wil links

this will install links2 browser.  Start it (command-line), and just use CTRL+Z to send the job to the background. Et voila: 2 prompts with about 1 second in between (it is of course fun to execute partial commands...).
On other machines i currently use 1.36.0 (the ready static compiled release) for this reason.

please, something, anything. don't let 15 ISO go into history with the dual prompting bug!


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