Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

Need some help on WiFi

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I have done a test, like suggested on internet, with command iwconfig. The response is: no wireless extensions.
Probably the card is not installed in the right way or not at all... so I probably need to install the right driver first... and what card do I have...
EDIT: I see the list of drivers by using the command: modprobe -l | grep ath
EDIT2: When doing: Verify they are loaded using: lsmod | grep ath I don't get any answer.

WiFi should be able to work, as it works when I boot from the USB-TC-installation stick.


--- Quote from: Rich on February 09, 2024, 09:47:25 AM ---Hi ernest072

--- Quote from: ernest072 on February 09, 2024, 09:40:09 AM --- ... but now I do not succeed to format the internal HD, as it says the whole time that it is "busy". ...
--- End quote ---
That's because the drive was mounted.

--- End quote ---
Yes, but I am not really able to unmount. From within the TC-installation-USB it says it is busy and don't want to unmount (neither from GUI MountTool nor from the Terminal).

I have now a clean disk, somehow I was able to do it again, but I have now this old problem that the TC Installation hangs on the Formatting/dev/sda1, and does not proceed.
The sda1 itself does not show in the GUI MountTool, but I can list the HD from the Terminal. If I try to format from the Terminal it says it is been used? There is no OS on it, and I start from the USB.

Try booting in safe mode after the USB drive boots.

To boot from CD, utterly ignoring any perfectly valid TC install which may or may not be otherwise present

tinycore base norestore

If this still does not help, you may want to wipe / erase the hard drive using a different computer with a working operating system (Windows, Linux etc) or a linux based rescue cd.


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