Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

Need some help on WiFi

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Need some help with WiFi  :-[ I have made an USB-bootable stick with the TC-Plus. After some struggle to format the internal hard-disk I was able to install the TC on this hard-disk and can boot from it. So far so good, but once booted the WiFi does not work. If I boot from the USB-stick I can see and choose from available WiFi networks and can install from the mirror (like wireless_tools and such). But being an absolute newbie not sure how to get the WiFi going when booted from the HD.

Info: When booted from HD I have this WiFi icon on the desktop, but if I click that I get a window with sudo on the top-left, and a black screen. This screen disappears after about 10 seconds. The dhcp service is on.
If I go to the terminal and type: sudo wpa_supplicant -v I can see that I have v2.9 installed.
If I connect to LAN it works, and I could install the same wireless tools on the HD, but no WiFi ...

TIA for any tips

Hi ernest072
Welcome to the forum.

--- Quote from: ernest072 on February 09, 2024, 09:19:54 AM --- ... After some struggle to format the internal hard-disk I was able to install the TC on this hard-disk and can boot from it. So far so good, but once booted the WiFi does not work. ...
--- End quote ---
When you got to this step:
Did you remember to check all of the boxes for  Wireless ?

Hi Rich, thanks!
Indeed, good point. I think I only checked the top one. But it seems I have WiFi support installed.
I wanted to redo the install and then check both boxes, but now I do not succeed to format the internal HD, as it says the whole time that it is "busy".
I had the same problem just before, and not sure how I have succeed to format, I think with fdisk I was able to delete the partition and needed to reboot, and then the installation would go (otherwise the installation of TC would wait forever on the formatting disk...). Okay, but that is an whole other issue I was dealing with, as you can see I don't really know what I am doing here  :D

Hi ernest072

--- Quote from: ernest072 on February 09, 2024, 09:40:09 AM --- ... but now I do not succeed to format the internal HD, as it says the whole time that it is "busy". ...
--- End quote ---
That's because the drive was mounted.

to reformat the HDD, booting from USB, you need to interrupt the GRUB and hit 'e'.

And possible add the bootcode for your USB device https://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/doku.php?id=wiki:boot_codes_explained

--- Code: ---CD or Installed
When running from a CD, include “tinycore” before bootcodes. Following is an example.

If Tiny Core is installed, include

in the bootloader.

If running from a CD, use

tinycore tce=sda1
--- End code ---


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