Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

emelfm2 segfaults on "back" button

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GTK2/3 -> GlibC -> deprecated functions finally have proven fatal wonky on x86_64 and x86.
Bare in mind, emelfm* hasn't been updated in 7+ years (link)...  doesn't look like that's going to change any day soon.

From the looks of things, GTK's dialog_get_action_area -> gtk_menu_popup is crashing due to (many) functions which were deemed "outdated" back in 2015 and started flagging warnings ~2019. Due to the fact that the file manager is literally built on these outdated functions, I'd imagine the reconstruction would take a great deal of time to get it all caught up with seven years of GTK changes.  Compilation on my end stopped after ~100 complaints of outdated functions when it came across the first one that simply doesn't exist (g_string_free_and_steal) which according to a quick read, is Glib related.


--- Quote from: CentralWare on February 06, 2024, 07:51:51 AM ---UPDATE 2:

GTK2/3 -> GlibC -> deprecated functions finally have proven fatal wonky on x86_64 and x86.
Bare in mind, emelfm* hasn't been updated in 7+ years (link)...  doesn't look like that's going to change any day soon.

From the looks of things, GTK's dialog_get_action_area -> gtk_menu_popup is crashing due to (many) functions which were deemed "outdated" back in 2015 and started flagging warnings ~2019. Due to the fact that the file manager is literally built on these outdated functions, I'd imagine the reconstruction would take a great deal of time to get it all caught up with seven years of GTK changes.  Compilation on my end stopped after ~100 complaints of outdated functions when it came across the first one that simply doesn't exist (g_string_free_and_steal) which according to a quick read, is Glib related.

--- End quote ---

Thanks CentralWare,
I had hoped I was just running into something like a missing dependency, but not surprised to learn that it runs deeper than that.

--- Quote ---... when it came across the first one that simply doesn't exist (g_string_free_and_steal) ...
--- End quote ---

While I'm not at all familiar with that code, it seems like a function with a name that includes the word "and"would catch the eye of a code reviewer.

And it makes sense that a function that steals one's G string would be removed.     ;D

Time to move on, I guess, and find another FM that will fit the bill.

@Leee: Don't give up just yet, but at the same time don't hold me to any promises.

From what I see on Debian's package listing, emelFM* no longer exists (save for a package of icons) however it doesn't mean that FM# hasn't become part of their larger packages - it also doesn't mean that it wasn't dropped completely.  I have the 12.4 repo syncing with ours and can do some digging tomorrow when time permits if it's still alive and kickin' in deb.  Our 'buntu repository is bare metal, so that's probably not worthy of scanning through. CentOS - went back to 7.x -- wasn't promising.  OUR stable release(s) were TCL 9.x and 10.x - I'm going to time-travel (see extension "bootman") and experiment with it and the at-the-time current versions of C/GTK/X/GLIB/etc. and find our differences that way.

Here's app history for ya'...
Back in '99 our original author Michael Clark, at the time college student of Pittsburgh (pitt.edu) launched the first release of EmelFM (v0.6.0) and he took it all the way up to v0.9.2 where...  I'm guessing he must have graduated; shortly thereafter the program went cold.  A number of minutes later it was forked (Tom2Tom) and FM2 (or "E2") was born and strangely enough, it went up to v0.9.2 before IT flat-lined somewhere in 2012 from the looks of things.  Coincidence?  {X-Files theme song softly plays in the distance}

2018 A TinyCore user asks for emelfm2 (we already had FM(1)) and a few posts later, FM2 is added to our 9.x repository by @Juanito.  Shortly thereafter, FM3 is added to be somewhat compatible with GTK3 "of that time."  From the looks of it, according to Wise Ol' Google, FM3 seems to be a TCL original.

String Of G String Thefts Reported -- Once Freed, Non-Nude Beaches Are In Chaos -- News At Eleven


--- Quote from: CentralWare on February 07, 2024, 12:59:56 AM ---@Leee: Don't give up just yet, but at the same time don't hold me to any promises.

From what I see on Debian's package listing, emelFM* no longer exists (save for a package of icons) however it doesn't mean that FM# hasn't become part of their larger packages - it also doesn't mean that it wasn't dropped completely.  I have the 12.4 repo syncing with ours and can do some digging tomorrow when time permits if it's still alive and kickin' in deb.  Our 'buntu repository is bare metal, so that's probably not worthy of scanning through. CentOS - went back to 7.x -- wasn't promising.  OUR stable release(s) were TCL 9.x and 10.x - I'm going to time-travel (see extension "bootman") and experiment with it and the at-the-time current versions of C/GTK/X/GLIB/etc. and find our differences that way.

Here's app history for ya'...
Back in '99 our original author Michael Clark, at the time college student of Pittsburgh (pitt.edu) launched the first release of EmelFM (v0.6.0) and he took it all the way up to v0.9.2 where...  I'm guessing he must have graduated; shortly thereafter the program went cold.  A number of minutes later it was forked (Tom2Tom) and FM2 (or "E2") was born and strangely enough, it went up to v0.9.2 before IT flat-lined somewhere in 2012 from the looks of things.  Coincidence?  {X-Files theme song softly plays in the distance}

2018 A TinyCore user asks for emelfm2 (we already had FM(1)) and a few posts later, FM2 is added to our 9.x repository by @Juanito.  Shortly thereafter, FM3 is added to be somewhat compatible with GTK3 "of that time."  From the looks of it, according to Wise Ol' Google, FM3 seems to be a TCL original.

--- End quote ---
That's a fascinating history - I had no idea EmelFM was a local product.  I guess "it's a 'burgh thing".

I'm still using EmelFM2 as my go-to fm, just with the back buttons disabled, but I'm exploring the others again, if only to make sure I'm not missing out on something.

Interestingly enough, I just spent the evening with fluff which, i believe, is also a Tiny Core original and it's quite possibly the only fltk file manager known to google.  I had earlier dismissed fluff because it sometimes crashes while setting some of its options/preferences but that appears to be an issue with the UI for the settings.  I wrote a wrapper script for it that lets me more conveniently manage .fluff.conf externally (*) and it's behaving pretty well now - I'll want to use it for a few days to make sure it's really stable before I move on to the next one.

*) doing that reminded me so much of this XKCD comic https://xkcd.com/2021/ (if you hove your mouse over the picture, the secondary punch line comes up in a tool tip).


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