Git implementation for plan 9 @ Structure
The git/fs program provides a file system mounted on $repo/.git/fs.
It provides a read-only view into the repository contents to allow
scripts to inspect the data. Surrounding scripts and binaries will
manipulate the repository contents directly. These changes will be
immediately mirrored in the file system.
Scripts will generally mount git/fs as needed to do
their work, but if you want to browse the repository
manually, run it yourself. You'll get `$repo/.git/fs` mounted,
with the following contents:
$repo/.git/fs/object: The objects in the repo.
$repo/.git/fs/branch: The branches in the repo.
$repo/.git/fs/ctl: A file showing the status of the repo.
Currently, it only shows the current branch.
$repo/.git/fs/HEAD An alias for the currently checked out
commit directory.