hi CardealRusso
thanks for your reply / perspective
>Actually, I'm not trying to parse the info, at least not now.
in that case your subconscious *is* piloting to write one while you are distracted

>I don't think it's that easy.
all though ... it appears the problem is less the "current non-standard format" and more "current non-standard
if this is the case ( imho it appears so ) * see also : "repology-updater/issues/784# Tiny core linux ~
https://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,26273.0.html "
or perhaps *even more* accurately
the problem is
the current info files are intended for human consumption as plain text
not for programmatic / machine readability & processing
the latter obviously implies "trying to parse the info"
with this in mind
changing "description and changelog, in case there are multiple lines." the format
would (imho) only solve the problem for new/updated info files **
**assuming the *new* format was *somehow(by what process??!!)* enforced
that(imho) in-effect would add one more *known format* to the potential options ....
which reminds me of submit-TCZ script to help check for problems before sending extensions
... some *automated* method to identify the differences in format of info files currently in the repo (that could then be considered as alternative format or be corrected / standardized to a common format )
seams more likely to bring machine readability to info fles / the reop