General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial
Hi jazzbiker
I mounted your image file and did a little poking around.
Just some observations:
It contains partitions 1 and 3 but skips 2:
--- Code: ---tc@E310:~/Downloads/tmp$ sudo losetup --show --find --partscan InstantCore.img
tc@E310:~/Downloads/tmp$ sudo lsblk -f /dev/loop296
|-loop296p1 vfat E28D-73DA
`-loop296p3 ext4 f6bff2ef-e204-46cd-a3e5-c86f6ca5073b
--- End code ---
Probably not an issue, it just seemed odd.
There are 2 versions of rootfs.gz:
--- Code: ---tc@E310:~/Downloads/tmp$ for F in `sudo find P3 -name rootfs*`; do ls -l $F; done
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3498790 Dec 25 01:40 P3/boot/14/0/3/0/rootfs.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3470570 Dec 24 02:56 P3/boot/14/0/3/rootfs.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3523605 Dec 24 02:56 P3/boot/14/0/6/rootfs64.gz
--- End code ---
Hi Rich!
--- Quote from: Rich on December 25, 2023, 09:05:17 AM ---It contains partitions 1 and 3 but skips 2:
--- Code: ---tc@E310:~/Downloads/tmp$ sudo losetup --show --find --partscan InstantCore.img
tc@E310:~/Downloads/tmp$ sudo lsblk -f /dev/loop296
|-loop296p1 vfat E28D-73DA
`-loop296p3 ext4 f6bff2ef-e204-46cd-a3e5-c86f6ca5073b
--- End code ---
Probably not an issue, it just seemed odd.
--- End quote ---
I think it is not an issue, too. I create the drive partitions and filesystems with the help of the script - My defaults are:
sdx1 - grub
sdx2 - boot
sdx3 - tce
The script asks for boot partition size and if it is zero, then sdx3/boot is used for distribution files. sdx2 appears to be absent.
I did in such a manner because distribution files are not necessary after the boot finished, and keeping them in the separate partition I guess slightly decreases the risk they will be damaged accidentally. Still TC default is /boot directory, so I decided to follow the default TC scheme for InstantCore.
--- Quote from: Rich on December 25, 2023, 09:05:17 AM ---There are 2 versions of rootfs.gz:
--- Code: ---tc@E310:~/Downloads/tmp$ for F in `sudo find P3 -name rootfs*`; do ls -l $F; done
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3498790 Dec 25 01:40 P3/boot/14/0/3/0/rootfs.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3470570 Dec 24 02:56 P3/boot/14/0/3/rootfs.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3523605 Dec 24 02:56 P3/boot/14/0/6/rootfs64.gz
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
Yes, You are absolutely right. 32-bit version (/boot/14/0/3 subtree) includes two versions of rootfs.gz. The upper one is the default one, while /boot/14/0/3/0/rootfs.gz is used during "base+resize" boot menu option and is slightly customized: resize2fs and are added to the official rootfs.gz. So can be used only during "base" boot when not a single disk partition is mounted and all partitions are free to play them with.
Thanks for review! Merry Christmas!
Hi jazzbiker
--- Quote from: jazzbiker on December 25, 2023, 09:29:37 AM --- ... /boot/14/0/3/0/rootfs.gz is used during "base+resize" boot menu option and is slightly customized: resize2fs and are added to the official rootfs.gz. So can be used only during "base" boot when not a single disk partition is mounted and all partitions are free to play them with. ...
--- End quote ---
Ah, that makes sense.
Merry Christmas to you too.
As far as I understand at this moment, nothing prohibits to write InstantCore to the hard drive. EFI grub is installed with "--removable" option which only means that such hard drive will work with any EFI motherboard. In such an application InstantCore seems to be the easiest way to install TC to the local hard drive. It may be test-driven and configured in the USB drive incarnation and then immediately self-copied to the hard drive. Only if the box is intended to be TinyCore only :-) Which is not bad but in opposite is very good.
Not yet tested, if anybody will find some obstacles, please warn me.
If /home must be persistent, the dedicated partition on the hard drive may be created with some gap from sdx3 (tce partition) and after image copying will fill the gap.
Looks of that kind. Or not?
Hi jazzbiker
--- Quote from: jazzbiker on December 26, 2023, 12:47:55 AM --- ... If /home must be persistent, the dedicated partition on the hard drive may be created with some gap from sdx3 (tce partition) and after image copying will fill the gap. ...
--- End quote ---
Persistent home and/or opt don't need to be put on separate partitions.
Anytime I do a Tinycore install, it gets its own partition with:
--- Code: ---boot/ home/ lost+found/ opt/ tce/
--- End code ---
An entry for this install gets added to grubs menu.lst file.
Then home, opt, and tce get populated to suit my needs.
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