"Autopilot" -- not something that can be "updated" -- it has to be removed physically, though I don't see that happening.
I never could see the hype about the "brand" Tesla...
An all electric motorized vehicle.
Ooooh...with an explosive battery that if it catches fire, you just run... even if you're a fire-fighter!
Ahhhhh.......better for the planet - let's go green! Let's see... if we burn COAL or create NUCLEAR WASTE just to charge your car for a few hundred miles...
So the MUFFLER doesn't put out the smog people are whining about... or even exist - so there's ONE less thing to fall off in a few years!!!
factories that
create the electricity to CHARGE the vehicle put out the
smog pollutants instead, so it's not seen or smelled by the general public... so it must be awesome!
OUT OF SIGHT... OUT OF MIND. Just like the polar ice caps!