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Author Topic: Spotify connect (librespot) on piCore  (Read 16131 times)

Offline perceval

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Re: Spotify connect (librespot) on piCore
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2021, 12:54:17 PM »
Hi Gerrelt,

I would like to compile librespot myself for my piCore :)
Could you provide us some indication on how to do so ? Did you encounter any problem during the building process ?

thank you very much,

Offline Pueppchen

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Re: Spotify connect (librespot) on piCore
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2023, 02:52:14 PM »
Thanks for sharing. Works as a charm
But I have a small problem with my alsa sink. I use a Rotel A12 amplifier and its USB input. The problem appears if the amplifier is turned off and so the destination device isn't present the whole librespot-prozess is killed with:

ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1829:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
[2023-10-13T18:41:44Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Audio Sink Error Connection Refused: <AlsaSink> Device hw:0,0 May be Invalid, Busy, or Already in Use, ALSA function 'snd_pcm_open' failed with error 'ENOENT: No such file or directory'

and I have to manually start the process again.

Here is my start line:
/mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/librespot --name PiCoreWohnzimmer --cache /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tmp --bitrate 320 --backend alsa --format S24_3 --mixer softvol --volume-ctrl fixed --initial-volume 100 --device hw:0,0 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

So my question is if there is a way to "ignore" the Alsa error to keep the librespot process alive or do I have to start a watchdog which is starting the librespot process again when it's gone?

Sincerely, Ino

Offline pjekachu

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Re: Spotify connect (librespot) on piCore
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2023, 03:52:59 AM »
I have installed librespot according to the opening post but something is not right:

Code: [Select]
cat /tmp/errors.txt
[2023-12-03T08:43:48Z INFO  librespot] librespot 0.5.0-dev d569d37 (Built on 2023-03-25, Build ID: V1V5A0fy, Profile: release)
[2023-12-03T08:43:49Z WARN  libmdns] Failed to register IPv6 receiver: Os { code: 97, kind: Uncategorized, message: "Address family not supported by protocol" }
[2023-12-03T08:44:20Z INFO  librespot_playback::mixer::softmixer] Mixing with softvol and volume control: Log(60.0)
[2023-12-03T08:44:20Z INFO  librespot_playback::convert] Converting with ditherer: tpdf
[2023-12-03T08:44:20Z INFO  librespot_playback::audio_backend::alsa] Using AlsaSink with format: S16
[2023-12-03T08:44:21Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP "ap-gew4.spotify.com:4070"
[2023-12-03T08:44:21Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Authenticated as "xxx" !
[2023-12-03T08:44:21Z INFO  librespot_core::session] Country: "IT"
[2023-12-03T08:44:21Z INFO  librespot_core::spclient] Resolved "gew4-spclient.spotify.com:443" as spclient access point
[2023-12-03T08:44:22Z INFO  librespot_playback::player] Loading <Watercooler> with Spotify URI <spotify:track:1CLHh77zFhvmgbOG27JyRR>
[2023-12-03T08:44:22Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load encrypted file: Error { kind: FailedPrecondition, error: ParseIntError { kind: InvalidDigit } }

what am i missing? i reaaaally would like to finally use spotify on my various picoreplayers

Offline Rich

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Re: Spotify connect (librespot) on piCore
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2023, 06:43:26 AM »
Hi pjekachu
Welcome to the forum.

I have installed librespot according to the opening post but something is not right:

Code: [Select]
cat /tmp/errors.txt
 ----- Snip -----

[2023-12-03T08:43:49Z WARN  libmdns] Failed to register IPv6 receiver: Os { code: 97, kind: Uncategorized, message: "Address family not supported by protocol" }

 ----- Snip -----
I would start by installing  ipv6-netfilter  for that error.