Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

icu67-dev and icu70-dev reverse dependencies

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Hi GNUser
I noticed it because I checked those extensions using the
Apps utility under TC14 x86_64. The  Size  tab shows all
of the dependencies.

I just don't know whether  js52.tcz  being linked to  icu67.tcz
will cause any problems when building against  js52-dev.tcz.


--- Quote from: Rich on November 26, 2023, 09:33:47 PM ---I just don't know whether  js52.tcz  being linked to  icu67.tcz
will cause any problems when building against  js52-dev.tcz.

--- End quote ---
Hi Rich. Honestly, me neither.

There's no obvious easy solution to this.

I'm loathe to break the repo by removing, for example, icu67-dev, but if it is left in place and gets loaded before, for example, icu74-dev, it will not be overridden leading to the incorrect headers being used to compile against icu74.

On the other hand, if, for example, icu67-dev is not loaded even though, for example, js52 might have been built against icu67, it does not seem to cause problems as long as icu67 is present. Note that libicu*.so have been removed from icu67 and icu70 to avoid linking against them.

The above would tend to suggest we either remove references to icu{67, 70}-dev in dep files or put icu{67, 70}-dev back in the repo and hope users take care.


--- Quote from: GNUser on November 26, 2023, 04:50:59 PM ---I noticed that  icu67-dev.tcz  and  icu70-dev.tcz  were recently removed from the TCL14 x86_64 repository. However, some  .dep  files still contain these extensions, which is causing breakage:

--- Code: ---$ depends-on.sh icu67-dev
$ depends-on.sh icu70-dev
--- End code ---
What would be the most appropriate fix? To replace every occurrence of  icu67-dev.tcz  and  icu70-dev.tcz  in  .dep  files with  icu74-dev.tcz?

--- End quote ---
o que  precisa do js52?
parece apropriado recompilar tudo do repositório para icu74

Hi Juanito

--- Quote from: Juanito on November 27, 2023, 04:56:01 AM --- ... The above would tend to suggest we either remove references to icu{67, 70}-dev in dep files or ...
--- End quote ---
To be clear, just remove the references or replace them with  icu74-dev.tcz ?


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