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Duplicate the scripts that convert different distributions to the TCL package.

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I always appreciate the time & effort the admins & coders put into distros, & try to let them know, because I'm not a coder, & I use the forums for information, but answer questions to help out, if I can, it's the only way that I, personally, can 'give back' to our community.

So.....thank you, coders & admin, I for one do appreciate your efforts. :)

@core-user: There are those such as yourself - my hat's off to those who enjoy the efforts others generously provide (and sure, a quick "thanks" never hurts :) )
There are those who ghost...  stop by, get what they came for...  and then gooooone like the wind.  I'm good there, too, though it'd be nice to know "Hey, what did you think of it!?"

Don't get me wrong, I just spent the past four hours beating my head against a virtual wall with a computer I just couldn't get TinyCore to play nice with...  until that last ditch effort...  finally it did.
So, okay, sometimes there's a little "less" enjoy! :)  My work-around may end up being someone else's cure to prevent the same from happening to them (it's a hardware issue that TinyCore's not to blame in the slightest -- Debian and CentOS both failed, too!!!)

Some folks are just too lazy to act on what they see as being "lacking" or able to be made better.
(OP noted how some peeps don't want to learn...  Plenty of college wallpaper (in boxes, somewhere)...  and I'm still learning - none of my history would be possible if I didn't "want" to learn.)

Some folks just like to spread negativity when/where ever possible - looking for fault, especially if there is none.  It's a driving force!  "...there has to be a flaw here, I just know it!  I won't rest until I've proven..."

Then there are those who think the world and/or everyone around them owes them a debt of sorts...  I s`pose some people never learn! :)

my general understanding of the OP request(and taking into consideration language barrier issues):

OP would like a distro more along the lines of Damn Small Linux where enough of the basics are there and working so anyone/someone/everyone could grab the iso, burn disks/sticks/cards, and hand-out/pass-out/share the *nix-goodness with _everyone_ and so that an active internet/www connection is not necessary to use it for most general-computing purposes.


Hi gadget42

--- Quote from: gadget42 on November 20, 2023, 09:32:30 AM ---my general understanding of the OP request ...
--- End quote ---
Your understanding is incorrect.

What the op wants is to dictate how Tinycore should function.
Then he wants to make it someone else's problem to implement
his vision of how Tinycore should function.

Case in point:

--- Quote from: xor on November 19, 2023, 12:29:30 AM ---To get the latest version of the application without dealing with the warehouse; ""

I analyzed the problems and errors I have experienced in my Linux experiences for 20 years. ...
--- End quote ---
The current version of Tinycore contains 2500 extensions for x86
and 3000 extensions for x86_64.

Who will be writing several thousand  ""  scripts to
build and package all of those extensions?

Maybe xor with his 20 years of Linux experience will take on
some of the responsibility. Just kidding. xor is a taker, not a giver.

Even if his plan were implemented, his next demand will go like this:
"It takes too long to run the  ""  scripts when I want to
 install an extension. You should run the  ""  scripts on
 the server every day so the latest versions are always available for
 me. But do it while I'm sleeping so it doesn't effect me."

So I guess the simple answer is, the op wants a personalized Linux.
He wants the official Tinycore release to be personalized to his needs.


--- Quote from: xor on November 18, 2023, 03:05:51 AM ---Duplicate the scripts that convert different distributions to the TCL package.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: xor on November 19, 2023, 12:29:30 AM ---...this script is limited to only Firefox.

--- End quote ---
I  suggested something related to this on;

--- Quote from: CardealRusso on August 07, 2023, 11:20:24 PM ---After seeing the symmetry of packages in alpinelinux, I had the idea of creating a script to automate tcz, for all tinycore architectures. I would emulate each architecture in qemu, compile and get the files over ssh...

--- End quote ---

But it is tiring and depends on some changes in the "system" of packets.

The current package system for me is discouraging. A lot of manual labor, a lot of effort, which is repeated with each update. This discourages the contributions too much.


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