Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

[Solved] in havoc terminal emulator: yes causes broken pipes

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--- Quote from: Juanito on October 27, 2023, 10:24:16 AM ---Why not file a bug report against weston or havoc?

--- End quote ---
Good idea. Will do.

--- Quote from: Rich on October 27, 2023, 10:37:13 AM ---What if you do it like this:

--- Code: ---echo -e  "password\npassword" | bcrypt somefile
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---
Wow. Yes, that works and is much more elegant. Thank you!


--- Quote from: GNUser on October 27, 2023, 10:17:52 AM ---
Darn. In that case, I created this trivial wrapper script for yes, which does away with the errors when using tce-load:

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
exec /usr/bin/yes "$@" 2>/dev/null
--- End code ---
But that doesn't solve scripts where yes is needed multiple times in same pipeline. Even with the wrapper script, something like this:

--- Code: ---yes "password" | bcrypt somefile
--- End code ---
seems to enter an endless loop, driving CPU usage way up. Workaround for this situation is this kludge:

--- Code: ---i=1
while true; do
echo "password"
[ $i -eq 2 ] && break
i=$(( $i + 1 ))
done | bcrypt somefile

--- End code ---
If I figure out how to properly fix the bug in the terminal emulators, I'll post it here.

--- End quote ---

Maybe trap instruction in the wrapper will help? Something like

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
trap 'exit 0' SIGPIPE
exec /usr/bin/yes "$@" 2>/dev/null

--- End code ---

Hi GNUser
You are welcome. Thanks for confirming it worked.

If you feel like satisfying my curiosity, what happens if you do this:

--- Code: ---echo -e  "password\npassword\npassword" | bcrypt somefile
--- End code ---
I expect another  Broken pipe  message, but reality may differ from my expectations.

Hi jazzbiker. No luck with the trap. But it's not surprising because with the exec statement, the script no longer exists in RAM when /usr/bin/yes executes.

So I also tried your suggestion without exec, like this:

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
trap 'exit 0' SIGPIPE
/usr/bin/yes "$@" 2>/dev/null

--- End code ---
But no luck with that, either.

Hi Rich. The superfluous passwords do not cause a Broken pipe message, surprisingly:

--- Code: ---$ echo -e "tinycore\ntinycore\ntinycore\ntinycore\ntinycore\ntinycore" | bcrypt test.txt
Encryption key:

--- End code ---
So the problem does not seem to be due to  yes  not knowing when to stop.

I'm happy with the wrapper script to fix the cosmetic issue when using  tce-load  and Rich's workaround for bcrypt. Thank you all :)

Hi GNUser,

I see that the problem is solved, so maybe if it is still interesting for You and You have a spare minute You may try not use the wrapper for yes but try declaration of the SIGPIPE handler inside tce-load script.

Edit: maybe better to set ignore for the SIGPIPE:

--- Code: ---trap '' SIGPIPE
--- End code ---

--- Quote from: GNUser on October 27, 2023, 03:39:23 PM ---Hi Rich. The superfluous passwords do not cause a Broken pipe message, surprisingly:

--- Code: ---$ echo -e "tinycore\ntinycore\ntinycore\ntinycore\ntinycore\ntinycore" | bcrypt test.txt
Encryption key:

--- End code ---

--- End quote ---
Probably the pipe is buffered and the string is small enough to be placed in the buffer as a whole.


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