Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

[Solved] in havoc terminal emulator: yes causes broken pipes

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I'm experimenting with wayland on TCL14 x86_64.

Any shell script that relies on the  yes  command causes the  havoc  terminal emulator (with default configuration) to be littered with "Broken pipe" warnings. This includes the  tce-load  shell script:

--- Code: ---$ tce-load -wil bmon
bmon.tcz.dep OK
Downloading: libconfuse.tcz
Connecting to gnuser.ddns.net (
saving to 'libconfuse.tcz'
libconfuse.tcz       100% |********************************| 24576  0:00:00 ETA
'libconfuse.tcz' saved
libconfuse.tcz: OK
yes: Broken pipe
Downloading: bmon.tcz
Connecting to gnuser.ddns.net (
saving to 'bmon.tcz'
bmon.tcz             100% |********************************| 49152  0:00:00 ETA
'bmon.tcz' saved
bmon.tcz: OK
yes: Broken pipe
--- End code ---

I've never seen this issue when using  tce-load  in X session, regardless of the terminal emulator being used.

In the case of  tce-load  the warnings are cosmetic. However, the same issue causes some of my shell scripts (those that use  yes  to give encryption password to bcrypt) to hang indefinitely (with upward tick in CPU usage and laptop's fans coming on).

Any ideas what could be causing this "Broken pipe" warning related to  yes  (and how to fix it)?

The same thing happens with the weston terminal.

Good to know--so it isn't anything specific to havoc. I'll keep digging.

Have you google it??
Can it be like this ??
That the command that yes should send the yes to, have exit before ??
So what command is being used in the script to send yes to ??

Some text from the stackoverflow:

--- Quote ---You could also report the bug against the component that runs the pipeline. The bug is in not restoring SIGPIPE to the default handler after the child is forked. It is what programs expect when they are run in a terminal on POSIX systems. Though I don't know whether there is a standard way to do it for a java-based program. jvm probably raises an exception for every write error so not-dying on SIGPIPE is not a problem for a java program.

--- End quote ---
So maybe it's the error comes from the shell that handling the signal correct.


--- Quote from: patrikg on October 26, 2023, 05:03:07 PM ---That the command that yes should send the yes to, have exit before ??

--- End quote ---

Of course, it is the only way for yes to exit :-)

@GNUser, busybox yes dies silently. Are You sure that exactly busybox yes is envoked? Can You ensure this with the full path call?


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