individual parts separately instead. It's also no longer a Freedesktop.org / Red Hat project which means fewer paid programmers are working on it. I always seem to get fed up with Freedesktop.org projects, I've even given up on Modem Manager now and had more success directly configuring pppd, so I'm tempted to consider this a good thing.
hahaha yes. been using pppd for a long time. since before modemmanager existed.
also AT commands and qmi and uqmi tools for 3G/4G modems, all manually, bec. each modem needs different quirks. for QMI i *tried* to use modemmanager, but it didn't work!

for wifi at first i also tried networkmanager, but it didn't work. bugs, performance issues, packet drops, impossible to debug.
so instead: for both ethernet and wifi: udhcpc (learned here from TC) with my own action script
and `wpa_cli -a actions.sh` with the same actions script for L1 events, in addition to link state events (from iproute2's `ip monitor`).
and wpa_supplicant, configured via the comfortable wpa_gui that ships with it.
even networkmanager hates networkmanager, so they use netplan now as a backend on the newest ubuntu (off-topic here i know, but probably worth the schadenfreude). at least that's editable in plaintext finally, it's much better than nm-cli now, which has a lot of unacceptable bugs that i keep running into on systems administered by others.