Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

Problem with rtl8188EUS wifi USB adapter

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If you have trouble with openssh to transfer files, you can test to use some another trix to transfer files between the host and the guest.

I think it's not to difficult to use the program that i have used many times, to transfer files between computers from Linux to Windows and Linux to Linux.
And even Windows to Windows, i used it a lot, just one exe file, witch the zip file contain, already compiled, and the best part of it it's like server client.
You choose what direction you prefer. And not using the windows smb stuff, thank god.

It uses only tcp/ip.

It easy to compile in Linux environment just type in make. It's called lanfile, and was built by some guy how like to cheat in games :), and of course lot's of another utility's.
Here's the link to his site:

And one of them is lanfile.
    [EDIT]: Removed link due to forum policy violation. lanfile can be
            downloaded from the above link.  Rich

And if you just use dhcp the first ip that qemu will lease is to the guest.
The host ip is, so if you setup lanfile in server mode in host, first with.

Host side:(server)

--- Code: ---lanfile 0

--- End code ---

Guest side:(client)

--- Code: ---lanfile /home/tc/files/*
--- End code ---

And for more things you can do is that you can do it interactiv mode if you forget the command line args.
Just launch the
--- Code: ---lanfile -i
--- End code ---

And if that is not enough, you can just type in lanfile to get more info about the command line arguments, and even if that not enough you can use -e for more practical examples of how to use this tool.

@aus9 About your "I think I may have no choice but research cross compile using a 64 bit kernel. Your thoughts?"
IMHO best practice is to AVOID cross-compile, as a principle, with gcc. Aboriginal linux (dead) and now toybox project, try to by-pass/isolate the gcc compiler stupidity/stubbornness for cross-compilation.

You may ponder and estimate the value of your time [in $USD, whatever currency] versus buying a more performant machine [to run linux/host on 64 bits!].
Like: How many work-hours you would donate to an capitalist exploiter/employer [to gain the money for PC] versus the hours you  gain in compile time [and you will compile many times on this new machine].

PS: money is infinite and replaceable, your time not so much. YMMV.

Hihihihi.. have you seen Rob Landley's talk about not to cross compile :).

Here one more to laughing about.

@patrikg: Yes, I systematically read Rob Landley's blog [chasing for his rant about "guillotine the billionaires", his struggle with GNU standards, animosity with upper kernel management, a lot of fun]; and I check for toybox (previously followed his Aboriginal linux). I basically "dislike" small dependencies dragging-in huge dependencies.


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