Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
Problem with rtl8188EUS wifi USB adapter
Hi patrikg
I will try your suggestion after Paul_123.
I have used virtualbox in the past but happy to try qemu.
Maybe not tomorrow but will update by Monday with luck
The other thing I just spotted is the realtek command is looking for Module.symvers (I think in its unpack dir)
Surely it can 't be as simple as copying our TC and renaming it?
If not then I will rename the Module.symvers in my linux src and see if that works.
--- Quote from: curaga on September 21, 2023, 12:22:09 PM ---The symlink error sounds like you're operating on fat32. A linux fs is necessary.
--- End quote ---
Right, I tried again, this time copying the contents to ~ folder.
Now it gives me the error "tar: short read" when trying to unpack "linux-6.1.2-patched.txz".
Hi notferrari
I believe short read means part of the file wasn't downloaded.
The file should have a size of 129437112 bytes.
Compare that to the size returned by:
--- Code: ---ls -l linux-6.1.2-patched.txz
--- End code ---
If the size does not match, delete linux-6.1.2-patched.txz and
run this command again:
--- Code: ---wget http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/14.x/x86/release/src/kernel/linux-6.1.2-patched.txz
--- End code ---
--- Quote from: Rich on September 22, 2023, 09:56:08 AM ---Hi notferrari
I believe short read means part of the file wasn't downloaded.
The file should have a size of 129437112 bytes.
Compare that to the size returned by:
--- Code: ---ls -l linux-6.1.2-patched.txz
--- End code ---
If the size does not match, delete linux-6.1.2-patched.txz and
run this command again:
--- Code: ---wget http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/14.x/x86/release/src/kernel/linux-6.1.2-patched.txz
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
The size matches. I've also downloaded it several times, always the same error.
MD5 is ffc4d679faad85405a1032e084aad16d
Did you run out of space?
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