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Author Topic: Abiword for piCore 32 bit.  (Read 1045 times)

Offline meo

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Abiword for piCore 32 bit.
« on: September 09, 2023, 05:17:31 AM »
Hi again!

Abiword is an extension that would be of use for me. It's foung in the 64 bit repo so (I'm using the piCore 14.0 32 bit right now since it can play mp4 videos with sound and works fast with a resolution that makes it possible for me to sit in my arm chair like 3-4 meters away and still see the menu etc. very well) I guess it wouldn't be a hassle to make it for the 32 bit repo as well. Thanks beforehand!

// meo
"All that is very well," answered Candide, "but let us cultivate our garden." - Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire