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Author Topic: [ advanced physical data security ] optionally ; make read only HDD and SSD  (Read 1002 times)

Offline xor

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[enhanced physical data security] optionally; make read-only HDD and SSD

yes, of course you need to write data for system setup, and you have installed the system.
now you are asked to prevent data writing over sata connection.
This job can be done by adding an on-off switch by interfering with which sata data cable for this job. !?

Technically speaking, this simple technical method
Applicable to on-off switched SD cards and first generation USB sticks,
prevents data writing to first generation USB sticks and standard SD cards.

this is possible in theory, but how can it be done in practice!?
« Last Edit: August 20, 2023, 03:08:54 AM by xor »

Offline Rich

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Hi xor
... This job can be done by adding an on-off switch by interfering with which sata data cable for this job. !? ...
That won't work. One pair of wires is used for writing to the device and another
pair of wires is used to read from the device. Writing to the device includes not
only the data you wish to write, but also commands which tell the device which
data you want to read.

... Applicable to on-off switched SD cards ...
It's not a switch. It's just a plastic tab that slides. The device that the card gets
plugged into determines the position of the tab through software. It's up to the
software to prevent data writes.

... this is possible in theory, but how can it be done in practice!?
Easy, mount the device using the "read only" parameter.