I've got just about everything working on my fresh new TinyCorePure64-14.0 system. I've noticed some unexpected messages during boot. The first messages flash up and disappear too fast to capture in between the BIOS messages and the screen that starts with the TinyCore version number, but I think they are some sort of failure -- clearly non-fatal, but that type of messages doesn't look good to customers.

I took a photo of the first page of the longer set of messages. They appear between 'loading modules...' and the GUI starting up. There is at least a screenful of these, perhaps more. They're only visible for a second or two, so not a real problem, except again for customer optics: Apparent(?) Warning/Error messages never look good to customers.

Here's what I see (transcribed by hand from a photo because the POST button stopped working after the preview showed that I'd added the photo correctly):
Loading extensions...udevd[164]: IMPORT{builtin}: 'hwdb --subsystem:input '--loo
kup-prefix=libwacom:name:$attr{name}:'' unknown /etc/udev/rules.d/65-libuacon.ru
udevd[164]: IMPORT{builtin): 'hwdb --subsystem:input '--lookup-prefix:libwacon:n
ame:$ATTR{name}:'' unknown /etc/udev/rules.d/65-libuacon.rules:18
udevd[164]: IMPORT{builtin): 'hwdb --subsystem:input '--lookup-prefix:libwacon:n
ame:$ATTR{name}:'' unknown /etc/udev/rules.d/65-libuacon.rules:18
udevd[164]: IMPORT{builtin): 'hwdb --subsystem:input '--lookup-prefix:libwacon:n
ame:$ATTR{name}:'' unknown /etc/udev/rules.d/65-libuacon.rules:18
udevd[164]: IMPORT{builtin): 'hwdb --subsystem:input '--lookup-prefix:libwacon:n
ame:$ATTR{name}:'' unknown /etc/udev/rules.d/65-libuacon.rules:18
Whatever all these messages mean, they don't appear to be affecting anything that we care about, if they are affecting anything at all.