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[Solved] Asking for recomendations on the shell script formatting.
Hi CardealRusso
--- Quote from: CardealRusso on July 19, 2023, 04:06:58 PM --- ... The constant use of "ends" and other redundancies makes lua outdated. ...
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I'm not familiar with Lua programming, but assuming the syntax
you provided is correct, I would describe it as:
The consistent use of "ends".
Don't all languages have some way of marking where a function ends?
How about where if, while, for, case, and other conditional clauses end?
Ash/bash uses }, fi, done, done, and esac for these.
C uses } but allows ; for one liners.
--- Quote from: CardealRusso on July 19, 2023, 05:30:12 PM ---It is clearly impossible to achieve all these points at once, but some manage to achieve this balance. Perhaps there are more, but of the ones I've tested, the ones that achieve this are: Python, Nim, and Node. Today I checked that Lua was on this list until recently, he clearly left recently.
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What is Node? Is this the language name?
--- Quote from: Rich on July 19, 2023, 05:36:31 PM ---Don't all languages have some way of marking where a function ends?
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Certainly. I assume it's a must.... That can be anything from "e n d" to a simple "<return>" or, actually, nothing (assuming it already has a line break)
--- Quote from: jazzbiker on July 19, 2023, 05:43:14 PM ---What is Node? Is this the language name?
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Sorry, are you asking a genuine question or being sarcastic?
Assuming this is a genuine question, anyone who has mastered the basics of JS understands that interpreters are easier to speak than JS itself. After all, if I suggest the JS, I have to immediately suggest the interpreter...
Which could be the 1mb QuickJS or the 40mb node (plus many others of course, this was just to demonstrate the difference in size)
Assuming you're being sarcastic:
No, I was not sarcastic. Don't do too many assumptions.
--- Quote from: CardealRusso on July 19, 2023, 05:30:12 PM ---I've made my point clear, now maybe it's time to make yours clear. You don't make clear what you are arguing against.
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I'm arguing against making drastic changes to TCL's infrastructure because of potential stability issues. As it is (i.e., powered by shell scripts including some that are a decade old), TCL is stable, does absolutely everything I need it to do (and well), and has qualities that make it the only distro that I want to use and contribute to.
The TCL developers do not discriminate against new technologies and will accept your contributions if they are good. Good luck!
I don't have anything else to add to this discussion. Happy hacking!
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