This is an update after I used a power switch off and on to get around a video crash. I make mistakes so feel free to point them out please
For those interested in having only a swap partition and no swap file read on please
1) I used TC64 gparted to create and format my swap for my sdcard but you can use command line tools
so do that please
2) boot up and you may need to turn off existing swap if its active eg
sudo swapoff /dev/zram0
3) Use root powers to edit /etc/fstab so assuming you have only 3 partitions your swap line reads
/dev/mmcblk0p3 swap swap defaults 0 0
4) Edit /opt/.filetool.lst to add line
or use GUI cpanel
5) mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 and edit cmdline.txt to include the boot code
nozswapAs Rich as kindly pointed out....its all lowercase
6) reboot with backup enabled. I am a visual type person so htop does a good job at showing my swap size
There are command alternatives including
dmesg | swap