Hi Rich and hi Paul_123
sorry for waffle but I have only just setup wifi as ethernet fails as exchange in my town has broken equipement. Luckily I had a wifi dongle for my TC64 and was able to download some missing TCEs, via sim data hotspot. I may do a separate post on that. I ran
sudo wifi.sh
and full reboot without loading wifi and I have the net.
Very happy with that.
Paul I have removed that vc-sm-cma.gz initrd from my config.txt and done a full reboot.
Hi Rich
3 seconds too quick for RPi model 4 and I know your laptop will be much better spec than that. But 6 sec seems ok
for my .xsession
sleep 6
Xorg -nolisten tcp &
I was tempted to say that next image for /etc/skel/.xsession could have that line. But I am NOT tempted because I have already agreed that most users will not be loading bloated software that needs Xorg-3.d.
Due to power switch issue already discussed....I have also removed home=mmcblk0p1 and opt=mmcblk0p1 from my cmd.txt
and am back to being almost normal TC user

Hi Paul_123
I think we can now state this video crash is resolved by Rich sleep suggestion. But I still ask that you please consider next image of /etc/inittab to remove comment from getty2 please.
For any user of a RPi wanting Xorg-3d...I claim the solution is as follows:
1) Add line at top of your ~/.xsession so top 2 lines now reads as
sleep 6
Xorg -nolisten tcp &
2) edit your boot list maybe onboot.lst so somewhere above your preferred desktop you have Xorg-3d.tcz
eg my onboot top section reads
jwm.tcz........................change this to your preferred desktop
other TCEs not shown
Good luck