Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases
piCore14.0 Beta
Hi Rich full reboot.
In the past I have never timed how long my screen is blank (with Xorg-3d in boot list )after saying it is loading extensions etc.
This time I did a rough count.
from when screen goes blank about 16 seconds later, for a second what appears, not sure what you call it,
the ascii text image of tinycore with tux
from when screen goes blank to full desktop appears takes 22 seconds on a RPi model B 4G ram.
Hi Rich
retested time to desktop with sleep and its faster 17 seconds, for those reading this I have got Xorg-3d in boot list.
Curiously around 16 seconds there is like a small glitch where I think the ascci tux wanted to appear but a second later my desktop appears.
So I think if the desktop took maybe 18 seconds or more, I would have seen the tux for a second.
I think I will keep it simple and stay with sleep....my impatience is shining thru ;D
Hi Rich
this time I remove Xorg-3d from boot list. the accii tux and tinycore stays on the screen for lot longer.
from screen blank to desktop now 10 seconds. Not a huge saving considering we spend time playing with software etc.
I think I will stay with sleep 6
I think it's not so simple just remove the # from inittab file in the initrd.
Just because there some differences between the rpi's.
When talking about the serial (uart) interface, the device have lots of different name.
--- Code: (bash) ---ttyAMA0::respawn:/sbin/getty -L 115200 /dev/ttyAMA0 vt100
--- End code ---
And some one have ttyS0 or also Serial0, and i think the device tree change the name, and the bluetooth device shares some.
There are lots of good documenting stuff on the rpi forum.
Here are some links to that.
And like neerds like me likes to get all juice logs and things on the serial, you have to do like this to get some more text from the bios(bootcode.bin)
--- Quote from: aus9 on June 01, 2023, 11:16:21 PM ---Paul I have removed that vc-sm-cma.gz initrd from my config.txt and done a full reboot.
Hi Rich
3 seconds too quick for RPi model 4 and I know your laptop will be much better spec than that. But 6 sec seems ok
--- End quote ---
Does setting something like "cma=384M" in cmdline.txt and/or "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d-pi4,cma-384" cause vc-sm-cma to be loaded first without needing sleep?
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